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Monday, 7 June 2021

Green glory

Spring is in full bloom on the island. Over two days the leaves unfurled on some trees and within a week, all the leaves were open in their new green glory. I love this time of year.

We have cycled various trails recently and the beauty of the burgeoning new green of spring has caused my husband and I to pause frequently to take in the glory of the season. 

On May 29th, the leaves along the trail from Darlington to Charlottetown were bursting forth, 

creating a green hue along the sides and above the trail.

On June 2nd, on the Homestead Trail, the leaves were fully out and cast shadows on the trails which we cycled through 

and smiled as we rode in and out of the leafy shapes.

How fortunate for us the leaves are out in time for the warmer weather, providing a respite from the sun’s heat, if only momentary as we cycle by.

Nature is in a hurry. She knows her time in this condition is limited. A few short months and the green will be fading. For now, all over the island the unfurling of the new green of trees and shrubs is apace.

Combined with the quick eruption of ferns 

and wildflowers through the red soil, everything looks lush and green again. Now and then a splash of colour draws the eye to some pretty wildflower, such as this Winter Cress, which has been quick to stake its claim to a bit of the red dirt.

Nature makes room for all of them to our delight.

From my last post, David M. Gascoigne at asked

What kind of breeding habitat are they using on PEI so close to humans? Is your house close to a coastal marsh perhaps? 

We are several kilometres from the coast here. We have trees in our neighbourhood and a variety of birds live around us, including the Song Sparrows. They have nested among our hedges for years now. Many people in the area have similar landscaping, so there could be other sparrows in the area. 

We have heard and/or seen them everywhere we’ve been on the island, except the beaches. Along the length of the Confederation Trail which runs through farmland and is bordered with trees, we’ve encountered them singing their hearts out. Their repertoire is familiar.


Liz Hinds said...

I love the fresh young green of spring. Such a hopeful colour.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

All that greenery does our souls good!

Martha said...

It is so gorgeous there and your photos are fantastic! This is how Florida mined I am, in that 4th photo down at first glance I thought that was a gator heading across the trail lol.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Soooo beautiful...

Yes, Nature is bursting with color, for her short time, with Summer.

We would do well, to pay attention to outside, and let inside not be such a taskmaster, in these fleeting months.

Gentle hugs,

Anvilcloud said...

Second post of the morning featuring ferns. And te seasons they go round and round.

photowannabe said...

Your pathways and trails are magnificent.
They just want to draw me into them.
The wildflowers are delightful too.
Enjoy this new week, Marie.

Elephant's Child said...

Spring is a beautiful and vibrant season and I am sure it lifts your heart.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those tree lined paths look so beautiful . it is hard to believe, but honestly, it won’t be long before the fall colors will appear.

Bill said...

Wonderful photos, Marie. All the green unveiling its beauty for you to enjoy.

Hena Tayeb said...

So much glorious nature

Tanza Erlambang said...

green and beautiful .... seem wild flowers and wild critters everywhere.

Boud said...

Wonderful walk with you.

The Furry Gnome said...

Isn't it amazing how the leaves come out so quickly and the world is transformed to green.

Joanne Noragon said...

There is nothing to compare to spring green.

Red said...

Great trails to cycle and lots of birds to boot!

MARY G said...

An infinite number of shades of green. Celebration!

eileeninmd said...

The trail and all the trees and ferns look beautiful.

Have a great day and a happy week ahead.

Tomoko said...

Beautiful photos, Marie.
I enjoyed cycling with you and refreshed in the fresh trails.
Have a good day.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh my gosh, gorgeous images captured here Marie 💚 Spring really is such a magical time, a rebirth of nature on a grand scale.. enjoy and share, we love to see 🌳

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

Yes, it's a lovely time of the year here too. (unfortunately the beauty is scarred by disgusting big signs for Trump, his lies and the people who stand with him are a disgrace to our country), Thank you for a reprieve from that.

Bindu said...

Beautiful scenery! Nice snaps!

Rhodesia said...

Lovely photos and a wonderful time of the year. Sorry I am not keeping up with blogging just so much going on and the garden is very demanding at present I have lots of photos ready but no time to sit and load them. Keep safe I will catch up eventually, Diane

peppylady (Dora) said...

Such lovely area.
Coffee is on and stay safe

William Kendall said...

A little warmth works wonders.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Thanks for the clarification on the nesting practices of Song Sparrows on PEI. I have never found the nest of this common species anywhere but on the ground, so the fact that they are nesting among (in?) the hedges bordering the gardens of human dwellings is completely new in my experience. Here is the entry from "The Sparrows of the United States and Canada", James D. Rising (1996) - "Nests are commonly placed on the ground, among grasses, sedges, cattails and a variety of shrubs (myrtle, willow) and bushes". I would suspect that in an area of human cohabitation, domestic pets, especially cats, would be a serious threat to ground-nesting songbird, and breeding success would be poor. But I don't live on PEI and you do, so what do I know?

DJan said...

I have fallen behind in commenting, but I just had to say thank you for taking me along on your biking adventures. I love seeing your pretty island.

Helen said...

This green, spring glory is sensational. My feet have danced along the trail beside your bikes. My camera has been snapping image after image and my sense of joy and wonder has no bounds.
This is especially beautiful for me, as here in the tropics, we go straight from winter to summer and summer to winter.

baili said...

images are lush and breathtakingly beautiful dear Marie
i can imagine how inhaling such soothing beauty can transform your inner world :)

trails are so inviting ,glad you can ride through heavenly paths my friend !
more blessings to you and loved ones !

Debbie said...

such a beautiful trail, it must be wonderful to see all of this green after the long winter!! good for nature, but i always wish spring could slow dow!!

i am just thrilled that you have enjoyed so much time on your bikes!!

and how in the world have i missed so many of your posts!!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Your photos make green even more lovely.