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Monday 9 April 2018

A change in wind direction

The harbour was frozen as usual this winter and then, after the ice along the shoreline started to melt, a strong Nor’easter drove the ice field offshore. Not for long however. It was lurking offshore in the Northumberland Strait. We could see it in the distance and on satellite images. 

This Nasa image from March 26th, shows Prince Edward Island in the bottom left of the photo. There is open water on the south shore in the Strait but the ice field is along the coast of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

This past week, a south westerly wind moved the ice field onshore again.

As the week progressed, more of the ice entered the harbour. 

On days without any wind, there is a chill in the air as you walk along the shoreline. The ice isn’t finished with us yet.


Anvilcloud said...

It's not a fast moving spring for sure. We still have bits of snow where it is shady, particularly if it has accumulated over the winter. But not much. The sun is doing its job pretty well even if the temperatures remain low.

Linda d said...

Oh Lordy!! I really had no idea how darn cold it gets there. Don’t you wonder how the bore it 100 years ago before insulation and Columbia sportswear?

DJan said...

Brrr! It sure does look cold and uninviting. I know it will change, though. Someday soon, I hope. :-)

Tabor said...

What a powerful force this is! And ever changing!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

In or out! In or out! Make up your mind, ice!

William Kendall said...

It's been a slow sporing in many a place.

Joanne Noragon said...

I just mentioned on AC's blog, big lazy flakes outside this morning. Too sluggish to leave town.

Catarina said...

Spring has been delayed.

Rhodesia said...

Gosh it still looks so cold there! Have a good week and take care Diane

Elephant's Child said...

The seasons keep to their own agenda don't they? Which is sometimes infuriating for the impatient among us.
Lovely photos. Thank you.

Bill said...

The ice can't make up its mind. Eventually it will disappear, you hope. :)

Debbie said...

spring is lost...perhaps frozen in the ice!! i always enjoy your descriptions of the weather!!

Anonymous said...

It does looks so cold and desolate.

Shammickite said...

Old Man Winter is taking his time to leave this year! I woke up to a sprinkling of snow on the grass and the rooftops were all white this morning!
BTW.... going to see Come From Away tonight, I'm so excited. Country girl hits the Big Bad City!!!!!!

photowannabe said...

Gorgeous photos but they sure make me feel cold.
Spring is really having a difficult time breaking through all over this year.

Marie Smith said...

Ice is in the harbour here longer than it was last year, AC.

Marie Smith said...

I know Linda. The people must have frozen in the autumn and stayed that way until late spring.

Marie Smith said...

I hope when it goes again, it will be for good, Jan.

Marie Smith said...

It is indeed, Tabor.

Marie Smith said...

Oh how I wish it was permanently out, Debra.

Marie Smith said...

It appears that way, William.

Marie Smith said...

I think it’s a slow spring, Joanne.

Marie Smith said...

It sure has, Catarina.

Marie Smith said...

It still is, Diane.

Marie Smith said...

I have had it with winter, EC. However, that’s just not in line with nature’s plan this year.

Marie Smith said...

I hope next time it leaves it’s gone for good, Bill.

Marie Smith said...

I hope it leaves for good soon, Mildred.

Marie Smith said...

I hope to see Come from Away later this year, Shammi. I hope you enjoy it!

Marie Smith said...

i have had it with the winter-like cold this year!

Mage said...

Spring is fighting a losing battle these days.

Debbie said...

the ice forms such beautiful patterns but it must be so cold there!!

Barbara said...

That is interesting. I never thought of ice moving back and forth like that. And, that is a whole heck of a lot of ice!

jenny_o said...

The ice really does throw off colder air. I know that from walking on the beach on the north shore of NS one winter!

Marie Smith said...

It is indeed, Mage.

Marie Smith said...

It’s been cold, especially when it’s windy, Debbie.

Marie Smith said...

It will take some warmth to get rid of it for good this year, Barbara.

Marie Smith said...

It does indeed, Jenny.