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Friday, 13 April 2018

Small but mighty

As I walked along the road by Grand River, geese rooted for some perceived treasure in a field to the right.

They honked as they worked the field in a leisurely fashion. But a little sparrow made me stop and listen. She demanded attention. 

The tiny sparrow was high in the spruce tree as she looked down over the river.

The bird sang her heart out, fluffed up in spite of the pleasant sunny day, the volume of her song much larger than her size.

Below the road, large birds dominated the riverscape which included the surface of Grand River and its thin layer of ice. The gulls made that seaside gull sound, haunting in a way but welcome and familiar. 

The quacks of black ducks could be heard in the lull of the seagulls, a gentler sound but distinctive just the same.

In the background, geese were in conversation, their geese-speak in the distance sounding strangely like a human crowd.

Through it all, the most impressive was the tiny sparrow, head lifted in song, 

proclaiming her truth to the heavens with exceptional beauty, oblivious to the bigger birds. They could not compete with her melodious offering. That one tiny sparrow was more powerful and effective than flocks and gaggles of the larger birds. 

There may be a lesson here.


Anvilcloud said...

You are a good storyteller or at least a natural tour guide.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I've often marvelled at the way a tiny songbird can change the feel of a whole landscape. Well worth stopping every so often to just listen.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written and such a sweet and determined sparrow.
Blessings to you this weekend.

DJan said...

I love to visit your blog and see what magic you have for me today. This little sparrow has delighted me, along with the others you introduced me to. And I agree that you are a natural storyteller. Thank you. :-)

Joanne Noragon said...

I have hundreds of sparrows and little else. They are cheerful and melodious little fellows.

Debbie said...

awwww, yes, they have a very special song!! beautiful captures!!!

Catarina said...

I love the way you write. A great story teller, indeed!

Barb said...

I enjoyed your bird photos and the lesson!

William Kendall said...

It's cheerful to see these birds out and about.

Mage said...

There is a lesson here. Fluff up and sing. :)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

This post reminded me of Edith Piaf's nickname -- "the little sparrow" -- small but what a voice!

Rhodesia said...

Wonderful post I really like this, well done. Have a good weekend Diane

Elephant's Child said...

There most definitely IS a lesson here.
A simple tale, beautifully told and illustrated. Thank you.

Barbara said...

I love your bird picture - well really all of your pictures. Birds and little creatures bring such happiness to my heart as their music and colors show nature lives.

Rick (Ratty) said...

Good stuff. I like how you guided us along with your story. I like seeing birds, especially water birds. I don't see many around here.

Shammickite said...

This looks like you had a wonderful day watching the birds. Not so much here today.... freezing rain all weekend and ice pellets. I have made a big pot of chili and I am hibernating.
Spring is so wonderful.

jenny_o said...

Such unassuming little birds, and could be considered drab - but they do sing their hearts out. Definitely a lesson, Marie! Beautifully told and illustrated.

Tabor said...

The sparrow was probably singing for a mate. All of the others have a nice grand family around them.

Marie Smith said...

A new career as a tour guide? Maybe, AC.

Marie Smith said...

Those small song birds are precious, John.

Marie Smith said...

Thanks, Mildred. Have a wonderful weekend too.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you Jan. I enjoy nature and writing. They go well together as you know from your hiking experiences.

Marie Smith said...

They must be an entertaining chorus for you, Joanne.

Marie Smith said...

Thanks, Debbie. Their songs are special indeed.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you Catarina.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, Barb. I enjoy your blog too.

Marie Smith said...

They brighten the day, William.

Marie Smith said...

Yes indeed, Mage!

Marie Smith said...

Such an impact on the world for one so tiny, Debra.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, Diane. Your photos of all the beautiful birds inspire me.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, EC. Your posts inspire me!

Marie Smith said...

There are lots of us who love birds and share the joy they bring, Barbara.

Marie Smith said...

I am not as familiar with woodland birds, Ratty. I would miss the water birds!

Marie Smith said...

The hope of days out and about makes spring very special, Shammi.

Marie Smith said...

Thanks, Jenny. I love the spirits of those tiny creatures.

Marie Smith said...

I considered the reason for the song, Tabor. I hope he was successful!

The Happy Whisk said...

It's great to hear bird-speak. We have a tree-full each night.
Oh my goodness, are they yappers. It's wonderful to hear.

Marie Smith said...

What a great serenade, HW.

Jenn said...

What a nice post, sing loud little sparrow!

Marie Smith said...

We all should, Jenn.

น้องส้มส้ม said...

Very nice house. The forest is a place where everyone wants to go because it is so natural that many people like to live in this atmosphere. สินค้า