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Wednesday, 16 October 2019

A weekend of thanks

It was a wonderful long Thanksgiving weekend. My husband and I spent Saturday with our daughter and the kids. We had the traditional Thanksgiving dinner and expressed our gratitude for so much in our lives. We always do art and play games with the girls and their brother enjoyed camping with pillows and blankets.

Sunday was a quiet day as we walked the boardwalk then spent time with our grandson when our daughter and the girls took in a movie. Every chance we have to spend time alone with our two year old grandson is a joy as he explores the world and increases his vocabulary every week.

On Monday, my husband and I took the golden grand-dog, Georgie, with us for a walk. She has recovered from the limp she had last week. The Millman Road is a Heritage Road on Prince Edward Island and I have featured it on this blog a number of times. 

By this past weekend, it was past peak colour for the trees this year. Many leaves didn’t survive the wind storm of Dorian from early September anyway. 

The road was a pretty setting nevertheless, with shades of yellow framing the red dirt road stretched out before us as we walked its length. 

Many birds have left the island already this year but the voices of the Black capped chickadees were obvious in the trees around us.

The squirrels entertained us too with their chatter from the trees and the occasional dash across the road which always interested Georgie.

The highlight of the day was our picnic lunch under the trees. It was 12 degrees Celsius, without a breath of wind. As we ate our turkey sandwiches with hot tea, the leaves gently dropped from the maple and birch trees around us. In front of us, the yellow, green and red leaves formed a watercolour. 

I could feel myself relax and breathe deeply as I observed the painting and chatted with my husband. And though it will sound cloyingly sentimental, as we soaked up the ambience, a single maple leaf fell on the table. 

Thankful isn’t an adequate description!



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds like the perfect day!

baili said...

So finally autumn started to spread his enchanting colours in your area dear Marie :)
These images are absolutely glorious!
I can feel walking within magical gardens :)

Happy Thanksgiving day my friend!
It seems you had perfect family holidays together :)

Shammickite said...

Lovely to spend time with your grandies and with Georgie. I have had granddog Tessa for a few days too, and we have gone for some nice rambles. But it's raining today so we will be staying close to home for our walkies.

DJan said...

So very beautiful. And there is nothing overly sentimental about your lovely description of the walk. I love your last picture very much. :-)

Linda said...

Could life be any better? So glad that you and yours had a wonderful time.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The scenes are gorgeous and your descriptions help to make it all so real.

eileeninmd said...

Sounds you and your family had a lovely Thanksgiving. The walk looks beautiful, the view down the road and fall leaves. Wishing you a happy day!

Bill said...

Glad to hear everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. Beautiful place to take a walk and enjoy the scenery.

Mage said...

I too join you in many Thanksgivings.

Debbie said...

past peak or not, what beautiful foliage and images you have shared!! our leaves are quite confused, maybe the lack of rain and cooler temperatures have impacted them!! the picnic lunch sounds amazing, i don't know if there is anything better than a turkey sandwich!!!

it sounds like the perfect weekend and how nice that you had alone time with the little guy!!

Elephant's Child said...

Bliss and heart balm. I am glad to hear the golden grand-dog has recovered too.

William Kendall said...

Wonderful shots!

Rose said...

Your photos are so beautiful...I can just feel the atmosphere.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Happy to hear Georgie's leg is recovered Marie, all the better to run and explore on this gorgeous walk. A picnic here sounds absolutely perfect 🍁

Liz Hinds said...

How beautiful it looks there. So lovely.

Anvilcloud said...

Glad you had a weekend to be thankful for.

Barbara said...

What fun to have some one-on-one time with the Grand Boy. I find it almost impossible to have one-on-one time with the Grand Girls and I am always telling my son that if one goes off to do something, let me know so I can spend alone time with the other. They are already getting so old that I long for the days when they were small. The pictures are absolutely gorgeous.

Forest Mother said...

Perfect. Absolutely perfect.

The Furry Gnome said...

What a beautiful old road to walk.