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Sunday, 17 May 2020

Setting day

Friday past was Setting Day on Prince Edward Island, the day when the lobster traps are set for the first part of the lobster season. In the island tradition, family and friends gather at day break around the wharf and along the shoreline to see the fishers off this first day. This year was different. People were encouraged to stay home because of Covid precautions.

The last several years, my husband and I have gone to the shoreline early in the morning at Cabot Beach and watched as the boats left Malpeque Harbour. 

                                                                  Setting Day 2019

The boats were low in the water, filled with as many traps as they could carry while families waved them on.

                                        Boats loaded with lobster traps, Setting Day 2019

Boats returned to port to load up again to finish the job.

Setting Day this year was a beautiful sunny day with a slight breeze so my husband and I, mid morning instead of day break, went to the beach on the north shore near Brander’s Pond. A walk on the beach was in order.

Fortunately, fishers in one fishing boat were busy setting their traps just off shore and we watched other boats in the distance. 

We walked, had a leisurely picnic and watched the fishers hard at work.

Later, we visited New London and watched the boats move up the channel back to port. 

We saw one headed out again with the last of its traps. 

While we didn’t see the loaded boats leaving port encouraged by the crowd, we did enjoy Setting Day nonetheless. Lobster will be on the menu this week for sure.


Laurel Wood said...

I'm glad you were able to capture some photos and enjoy a picnic. The pictures are lovely.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Enjoy your fresh lobster dinner later this week!

DJan said...

Thanks for sharing this day with me. I'm glad you were able to enjoy the beautiful day. I'd never heard of Setting Day before. :-)

Anvilcloud said...

I seem to have a recollection of your setting day from last year or the year before. Hopefully, you'll be back in person next year.

Marie Smith said...

Eileeninmd commented

Love the views of the lobster boats. It is nice they are able set their lobster traps. I would like that spot where your chairs are, enjoying the picnic with a view. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

I couldn’t publish Eileen’s comment for some reason.

Rhodesia said...

Hopefully, everything will get back to some sort of normality soon. I would love to have a lobster dinner, but highly unlikely that I will find one to buy here! Keep well, Diane

At Home In New Zealand said...

What a happy community tradition. Hopefully next year it will go ahead again.
The picnic on the beach sounds enjoyable, and 'lobster on the menu' makes my mouth water :)

Secondary Roads said...

That's a fine tradition. Thanks for sharing your day with us.

Elephant's Child said...

I love that the community celebrates Setting Day. And your picnic spot looks well set up and delightful.

Bill said...

A great tradition setting those lobster traps and you having a picnic. Glad you got to enjoy it in a different way this year.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That all looks so interesting to me. Of course i wouldn’t see things like that where I live.

Joanne Noragon said...

Thanks for going, and taking us again.

Rose said...

That would sure be a nice picnic...I would love watching the comings and goings.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I think we have the same picnic kit as you - but not the beach!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Fascinating to see how many lobster traps the boats can take out each time! I love that you enjoyed Setting Day in your own special way 💜

Catarina said...

A lovely outing! I would have been very happy to be there that day.

Anita said...

Such lovely photoes!Reminds me of childhood:)))
Great Place you live in.Thank you for sharing this !It really made my day:)))

jenny_o said...

What great pictures, Marie. I'm glad you were still able to get and enjoy this tradition.

Debbie said...

the traps sure do weigh those boats down, you had fabulous pictures from 2019. we purchased chairs that have tables on them, they still fold up flat, that might interest you!! i hope you had a nice picnic, all of your pictures are beautiful!!!

Debbie said...

as for electric bikes marie, i could not be happier with mine. it is a pedego, i'm pretty sure that is a good brand. the pedal assistance is wonderful, i rarely/almost never use just the motor, but it's sure nice to know you have it, just in case. i don't have to lift my leg high to get on the bike, the center "bar" is only a little bit off the ground, that's a great feature. the bikes are not cheap, $ 3,500.00 but for me, it is money really well spent...i am having a ball!!!

i'll have a lobster roll please!!!

Susan Zarzycki said...

It's neat that the fishers have the same day for setting out their traps! Here it is different. Infact, as far as I know, none have taken the plunge yet so we will have to wait awhile for our "lobstah" feast.💖

Danielle L Zecher said...

That sounds like a great picnic! I hope you enjoy your lobster.

Jenn said...

What a neat tradition!

Retired Knitter said...

Such a different way of life than my own. Thank you for sharing. It gave me a settling feeling that life goes on no matter what!!