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Friday, 21 May 2021

Heritage Roads

While our quest of cycling the entire Confederation Trail this year continues, every now and then my husband and I like a change from riding that trail. We decided to try one of the Heritage Roads on the island, old red clay roads through scenic countryside which were busy roads in days gone by. We decided on the Perry Road in central Prince Edward island.

We passed through Millvale on our way to the road and stopped at the waterfall there.

The pond, name unknown, has a fish ladder alongside the dam. 

Geese floated on the pond, two parents ushering goslings between them. A cormorant, in the centre of this photo, balanced on one foot, is watching the proceedings.

The Perry Road is lined with farmers’ fields, many of which are covered in dandelions. 

We are suspicious of grassy fields without dandelions and wonder what is used to control the pretty blooms.

This central part of the island has rolling hills 

which were a challenge for us and our bikes. 

We only rode a few kilometres before we turned back. However, autumn colours will call us back for a hike on this road in the fall.

We drove to Cavendish to have lunch in the Grove, always a favourite place for a picnic.


William Kendall said...

Beautiful views.

Martha said...

I love the waterfalls and the rolling hills. Gorgeous photos Marie and such a nice ride I'm sure! :)

The Liberty Belle said...

Sounds like you had a lovely ride and lunch. Nice photographs. Have a wonderful day.

photowannabe said...

What wonderful roads and trails you have.
Love the photo of the rolling hills and all the dandelions sprinkled about.

Elephant's Child said...

What a wonderful diversion from your quest. I find fish ladders particularly fascinating - and can well imagine the challenge of those rolling hills.

DJan said...

What a pretty waterfall! I like the picture of the goslings being sheltered by Mom and Dad, too. Nice ride! :-)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Very picturesque? Do they make dandelion wine on the Island? Maybe they should.

Bill said...

The waterfalls and rolling hills are beautiful.

At Home In New Zealand said...

I imagine that rolling road would have been a lot of fun on your bikes - at least when you were going downhill :)

Joanne Noragon said...

I think that last road would be a hard go, even with power assist bikes!

Ruth Hiebert said...

You live in a very scenic area.Those rolling hills look somewhat like areas around here.

Red said...

What great scenery to ride through. You seem to have many choices.

Debbie said...

the waterfall and rolling hills are spectacular. we have been out riding a few times, but now the 90 degree temperatures are rolling in!!

Helen said...

Your waterfall image is a stunning!
Wonderful ride and images. Good to see the sun shining regularly for you!

eileeninmd said...


Pretty scenic views, I love the Dam and Fish Ladder. The view of the dandelion field is lovely. Another great spot for riding your bike. Take care, have a happy weekend!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Thanks for this ongoing tour of PEI. The government tourist agency is indebted to you!

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

Yes, those rolling hills would have turned anyone back ...WHEW !

Beside a babbling brook... said...

A fish ladder!!!!!!!!! Wondering do they come up or go down them... Will have to look that up.

Ahhh yes, we all know, what has been sprayed on fields and lawns, without a single dandelion. !!!!! Poison!!!!!! Grrrrrrr.....


Susie of Arabia said...

What a fun excursion for you both. Love the shot of the geese in the water.

John's Island said...

Hi Marie, To me, every new post on Island Musings confirms my opinion that you have “the eye” for what makes an excellent photo. I love that shot of the waterfall near Millvale. The way you composed it is perfect. I enjoyed all the other shots as well, especially the grassy field. Thanks for sharing the beauty of Prince Edward Island with us. John

Tanza Erlambang said...

rolling hill look so exciting... yes, great challenges for bikers to going up... I think, I could not....

Beautiful views and excellent shots ..... happy weekend

Lea said...

Beautiful scenes! Love the waterfall and the field of dandelions!

Bindu said...

Beautiful photos! The hills are hard for sure.

Susan Zarzycki said...

What a great day out! The scenery is so beautiful. ❤️

Glenda Beall said...

Thanks for taking me along on your ride. Such pretty country and you capture it so well.
Every scene was perfect.

Stewart M said...

I do like that long shot along the rod - what a great road to cycle on.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

baili said...

i never saw such serene and calm waterfall dear Marie :)

i enjoyed the peek of rolling roads as never saw one like this here ever .

i am so happy for you that you are enjoying your splendid weather and have many path to have bike ride :)

field filled with dandelions look spectacular ,wish you best of luck for all the ride you tend to go for my friend!
more blessings!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love the waterfalls Marie, such a pretty ride. I smiled when I saw those hilly roads, took me right back to my school days when I had to ride to school 😉