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Wednesday 31 August 2022

More than shopping

Before school starts, we go shopping with our daughter and grandchildren in Charlottetown. My husband and I both enjoy going with them every year this time when they shop for some new clothes, sneakers, backpacks and lunch bags for school. This year, the youngest starts school and he is excited about the prospect though he has always enjoyed these shopping trips.

The two girls are seasoned shoppers and know exactly what they need and what they’re looking for. While my husband waited on a bench outside the store, our daughter, the kids and I looked at styles, selections and sizes. Another store nearby completed the inventory for clothes.

We had lunch at one of our favourite places and finished our shopping at a large retailer where backpacks and the like were in great supply and their grandfather assisted. A stop at a dairy bar before we drove home capped the day.

While we ate ice cream, music played in the background. Oldies, that’s for sure! As I listened to the conversation around the table, our daughter, the three kids and my husband chatting about a variety of things, Let it Be by the Beatles played in the background. As I listened to the music, my thoughts went back to 1970 when the song was released.

That year, I finished high school and headed to university with an unknown future spread before me. Now all these years later, that future sat around me, eating ice cream, chatting comfortably about the day and the coming school year. 

I looked at my husband, caught his eye and we both smiled.


Boud said...

Interesting way of seeing. I'd have been on the bench outside with your husband! Not a shopper.

DJan said...

What a wonderful post about your future being here and what gorgeous family you have! Thanks for sharing it with me. :-)

eileeninmd said...

What a fun day, shopping with your family for the back to school items.
The school here started this past Monday. I love the music from the 70-s and the 80's. Love the family photo, beautiful view. Happy September! Take care, have a great day!

Pam said...

Memories....nice. I am not a shopper. I either go in just to walk around and chill for a bit or I go in for what I want and get out. These days shopping wears me out so much. I think I have said before, wishing I lived around the beach, I would love going for walks like that.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Lovely post!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Very lovely post...


baili said...

Your closing line had me dear Marie :)

After spending much time in shopping with family you surly experienced serenity of the soul and sense of completion while listening to the music that instantly harmonized the past with future :)

Truly divine and beautiful my friend!

Elephant's Child said...

Despite me not being a shopper this sounds like a lovely day - for you all.

margi said...

Very beautiful post! So nicely said! And I'm very happy for you that your dreams came true.

The Furry Gnome said...

Perhaps the most exciting few days of the year.

Joanne Noragon said...

A perfect day. Hard to believe that young man starts school.

Red said...

Going with kids to get stuff for school is a new experience for retired teachers.

Danielle L Zecher said...

I love this post. <3

I bet you had no idea the first time you heard that song.

William Kendall said...

Wisely said.

Maebeme said...

A lovely post! It sounds like a lovely day.

The Padre said...

Outstanding - Big Hugs


Rhodesia said...

I am never keen on shopping but this does sound like a fun day with a lot of memories as well.
Keep well Diane

Anvilcloud said...

I would be waiting outside a lot. 😀

I really like that photo.

Lorrie said...

That phrase "the future sat around me" made me a little teary-eyed. We certainly don't know what lies ahead, do we? What a lovely day, with a mental trip back in time.

MARY G said...

Lovely photo. I miss taking the little Miss shopping. She is now entering her second year of university. I wonder what her song will be.
I confess to Whistling Gypsy. As for the date - better not to mention it.

HWIT BLOGG said...

What a happy day! The picture is just beautiful...

John's Island said...

Hi Marie, Your day in Charlottetown makes for a delightful story. I will never forget my short visit to Charlottetown and that made reading your story even more interesting to me. You mentioned a favorite place for lunch and that reminded me of the little seafood restaurant, right in downtown, where I had some of the best fish and chips ever! The end of your story, with your future sitting around you, is just perfect. 😊 Love the photo too! Thank you for sharing and for your kind comment on my blog. A very good weekend to you and yours. John

photowannabe said...

Reading this charming post made me all "mushy" inside.
I dearly love reading about loving families doing traditional things together and enjoying the moments that become memories.
Dave and I are much the same way, though our two oldest grands and now married and the other kids live in another state, so we don't get to do those everyday things together.
I do miss it, but am glad I do have the precious memories.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I remember shopping for school stuff with my sons
Coffee is on and stay safe

Helen said...

"The future sat around me" - such beautiful words. I hope they all have a wonderful year at school, especially your Grandson.

Liz Hinds said...

Wonderful traditions and memories.

Debbie said...

oh this is so sweet!! i went with my great nieces and they too know exactly what they like, want, and what they need. they are so easy to shop with!!

the last picture is awesome, i'm glad you included their footprints!! said...

I loved buying school supplies with the kids.
That was a big day for us. :)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It really doesn't take long for the future to become the present does it? Sounds like you had a great day in Charlottetown, Marie. I remember the level of excitement with my daughter when it was time for her to return to to school. Time goes by very quickly.

Rose said...

Now that sounds like a pleasant day...another memory to bring out and think about later.

At Home In New Zealand said...

1970 doesn't seem that long ago, but over fifty years have gone by since then! I too finished school that year, and began work as a secretary for a solicitor. Much water has gone under the bridge since those days :)

Barbara said...

Sweetest family shot ever.