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Wednesday 24 August 2022

Sea and sky

When you live near the coastline, you observe the sea and sky every day. The weather affects them both and on Prince Edward Island, the island breeze is almost a constant.

However, every now and then, the breeze is noticeably absent. Then looking out the bay, the sea is a mirror which reflects the sky. In such conditions, you just might see the blue of the sea and sky become one. 

Such was the case recently when my husband and I walked the boardwalk. It was mid morning and the stillness of the air was noticeable in a place where one is almost guaranteed a breeze year round. That breeze is a great way to beat the heat, not so this day. Even the trees and bulrushes were still and silent which people who frequent the boardwalk noticed and commented on. The only sounds were those of the animals such as squirrels, blue jays and chickadees.  Looking out to sea, the mirror on the bay made the horizon disappear.

Added to that, low tide conditions exposed red sand bars in the bay. 

The sand provides an area of contrast and what looks like points of origin for the blend of sea and sky. Would one fall off the edge of the earth or ascend into the sky after passing that last sand bar? My imagination worked overtime.

In April 2017, we had another such day in the bay and I was fortunate to witness the scene. The mirror of the sea at high tide that time was broken by the wake of the boats, headed into the great blue beyond. The result is one of my favourite photos I’ve ever taken. 

My husband and I spent our teaching careers in central Newfoundland about as far away from the sea as one can get on that island. These last years on Prince Edward Island have provided a different and much loved way to enjoy nature by the sea.


gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I love living near the ocean too. I'm also a retired teacher and did not live near the sea. We feel so fortunate to enjoy the sea daily now in the winter months. Your photos are beautiful and your analogies of the sea and sky are intriguing. Thanks for this beautiful post.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That is indeed a super photo!

Anvilcloud said...

You observe so well. It’s been a calm few days here, but I would appreciate more breezes coming in though the windows at night.

Debbie said...

what a great place to retire, it is just so beautiful there. the sandbars are so cool!! that last image, i really do hope you have it in a frame!!

photowannabe said...

You captured the stillness perfectly.
We lived for 41 years just a mile from the Pacific Ocean. We had to pass it to go anywhere. I always was watching the changing colors and texture of water and sky. I do miss it now that we live 2 hours inland (where the temps. get over 100F. all summer long)
I sure don't miss the fog though. Many days it was like driving Blind!

Elephant's Child said...

Amazing series of photos from this rare (and beautiful) event. Thank you.

At Home In New Zealand said...

I've never seen an horizon disappear like that, it is fascinating :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Almost eerie, yet so beautiful to see sea and sky blend together.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

A rare day indeed! I bet it is almost surreal to experience a day like that.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful! It's been a long time since I've seen the ocean.

Red said...

Optical illusion?

Joanne Noragon said...

These are just beautiful! For years I lived on the south shore of Lake Erie and was treated to this same phenomena; the placid lake blended seamlessly into the cloudless sky. I didn't have a camera back then, just a bicycle. It was a treat to see.

Maebeme said...

I don't believe I've ever experienced this phenomenon. Very cool!

Rose said...

What a view! I cannot imagine no breeze...

Helen said...

Serene scenes on this visit to the boardwalk. You have every right to be proud of your image of the boats heading out to sea.

Ahmed said...

It was a humid day with no breeze at all dear Marie but your story telling vivid to enjoy the stillness while listening the animals :)

Oh yes the feel of absorbing by the sky that presents the image is Stunning and absolutely Captivating!

Thank you for making my day once again :)

Pam said...

Be a nice place for sure to walk and visit when there is a slight breeze. When I was in Calif. back in July I was so pleased that there was a nice breeze the whole time I was there, and my son lives inland from the ocean. Being on the ocean would have been amazing.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Marie

For some reason your post are not updating in my blog. I have missed a few, I am happy to catch this post and your lovely photos. The views of the sea and sky blending in are beautiful. I like the shot with the boats too. It is nice to live so close to the sea. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

What beautiful, peaceful photos. I've not been to see the ocean for a long time. Enjoyed this posting a lot!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Low tide are interesting, what one can fine. That wash up on beach.
Coffee is on and stay safe

David M. Gascoigne, said...

What you say is absolutely true, Marie. On PEI you are always close to the sea and you notice its moods and influences. Makes me long to get back again!

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Wow! That is absolutely amazing! I have spent some time near the ocean, but not enough to see this. Thank you so much for sharing these photos. Beautiful!

MARY G said...

These are just lovely - shots to return to. Love the suspended boats.

MFH said...

Dear Marie,

I'd much like to enlarge your pictures in order to appreciate the details; but they won't largen. Could it be something about me?

Marie Smith said...

Dear MFH,

I don’t know how to make my photos to enlarge as some people do on their blogs. I am almost illiterate when it come to that sort of thing!


MFH said...

Okay. Thanks. I'll just enjoy them as they are....which I do. 😊