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Saturday, 14 June 2014

Team Spirit

Yesterday we arrived in Salamanca on the way back to Madrid and home. Salamanca was hot and we were tired after the long ride from Lisbon. After a brief rest in the room, we headed to the Plaza Mayor to look around and have dinner.

The FIFA World Cup of Soccer has begun in Brazil now and yesterday the Spanish team played its first game. By the time we got to the Plaza Major, the crowd had started to gather.

A huge square Spanish style building surrounds a plaza. One side of the square contains the town hall. It looks like people live in some of the other parts of the square. The bottom floor contains cafés and restaurants with inside and outside seating. The crowds were sitting outside on this hot evening, and as the sun was setting, people moved into the shaded seating areas as game time approached. Televisions were set up outside each restaurant. People chatted and drank beer, coffee or ate a snack.

                                       City Hall in Plaza Mayor in Salamanca

We like to observe people. We were especially interested in the older women seated in front of us, right in front of the television. They arrived early to get a prime place there, saving seats for their friends. The señoras were impeccably dressed, and had taken time with their hair and make-up. They looked wonderful!

The behavior was very interesting as they showed around pictures of young children and adolescents on their cell phones, which they all used as they waited. The señoras ordered their beer, coffee and sandwiches, chatted, laughed, greeted what looked like other family members also in the square but seated elsewhere. A Spanish flag was proudly positioned in an empty bottle. Just a bunch of girls watching the game together!

When I grow up... 

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