Low tide and the city workers had just finished on the beach, removing the seaweed which accumulates there.
The sun was in its late morning position in the June sky, its heat attempting to penetrate to the bones. The breeze made it bearable as my husband and I walked on the boardwalk in Summerside, Prince Edward Island.
Our city does a great job maintaining the grounds around this trail and the trail itself. The wild roses, which line a part of the trail, are in bloom now and add splashes of colour to the June green.
We are accustomed to this trail with leafless trees for months of the year. When the leaves are unfurled for the long hours of daylight, we stop often to admire the setting.
Can you find the squirrel in this scene?
While the geese are gone north now, the grackles are busy collecting grubs to feed their young.
The song sparrows are singing their usual melodies, this time with dame's rockets in the foreground.
The blue jays, ever present,
are vying for their share of the peanut shells which adoring residents throw out for the squirrels
and chipmunks.
White-throated Sparrows are busy collecting the seeds left by human benefactors as well.
Two osprey nests, in different areas of the boardwalk, are occupied, the residents settled deep in their large homes which contain fresh greenery and some recycled material.
The fiddleheads have unfurled now
and ferns are plentiful along the sides of the trail. Dandelion are gone to seed and some have yet to be dispersed by the wind.
Meanwhile willow seed covers the sides of the trail in places.
Nature always has surprises for us along this boardwalk.