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Monday 4 December 2017

Before the rain

The forecast called for rain. My husband and I decided to go to the boardwalk anyway, hoping to complete a walk before the rain started. It was foggy too, not common for Summerside. The area had changed a great deal since our last visit. The colour had disappeared for the most part but if you looked closely, there was still much beauty to be found. 

Fog is a lovely backdrop for the area by the gazebo. Along the shoreline, just beyond the stream, the gulls sing their songs, which have a haunting quality.

Across the stream, the foggy aura softens the grays of late autumn. The orange berries alongside the gazebo add just the proper touch of colour. 

Grasses along the trail are rusty now, and provide great contrast to the grays of the tree trunks.

The wild cucumber vines, which thrive in August and September, are now but threads along bare branches, 

with dangling seed pods.

A touch of spray paint would create a pretty garland!

Alders show the promise of spring with buds which lie in wait for light and heat again. The catkins are frozen in time and space.

The cedar adds some green to the scene and the clumps of cones are rich contrast.

The birds are busy too. A nuthatch is active around a feeder and fights off the chickadees for sunflower seeds.

Blue jays watch from the trees, ready to swoop down for any peanuts we might leave.

Chickadees are numerous too and watch for sunflower seeds any time someone pauses near the bridge.

We finished our walk just as the rain started. We took time to observe our surroundings and concluded there is much beauty this time of year if we take the time to notice.


DJan said...

Such wonderful pictures of a beautiful place, Marie. I love your birds especially. What a poetic and lovely post! :-)

Tabor said...

The birds are so beautiful against the gray and fog.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Love your bird photos, expecially the chickadee-dee-dee!

Anvilcloud said...

You are such a good observer.

Joanne Noragon said...

You did a wonderful job with fog and color, or its lack. Thanks for the birds. I miss them, in spite of the fact there are a hundred varieties of sparrow feeding at my feeder.

Anonymous said...

Such a joyful post. Love the orange berries and the gorgeous birds.

Blogoratti said...

Such a lovely collection of photos, well done.

Debbie said...

the fog is a lovely backdrop, i am glad you decided to go!! your bird captures are stunning, what amazing focus!!!

Jenn said...

You are right, there is a beauty to be found just about anywhere.

Elephant's Child said...

There is indeed beauty almost everywhere - for those with open eyes, hearts and minds. As always, thank you for taking us along and sharing the wonder.

Bill said...

Fantastic bird photos Marie. I laughed when I saw the stance that the nuthatch took to fight off the chickadees. The bluejay just sits and watches waiting for his moment to scoop in and take his prize. A "cool" bird acts cool. :)

Catarina said...

The pictures are a testimony of that!!
: )

Tomoko said...

You had a great time together and those birds are quite adorable!
Happy day to you all!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I'm so glad you braved the weather Marie, love all the shots but the wee birds are an absolute delight to see, such fab captures.

Angela said...

Whau, the vegetation there is pretty interesting and look at all those birds!! I don't see any birds around here, I assume they all hide for the Winter. We had a snow storm yesterday but it's nice and pretty today. Wishing you a lovely week Marie!

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, Jan. The residents here love this area by the bay.

Marie Smith said...

There are lots of them too, Tabor.

Marie Smith said...

They feed from one’s hand too, Debra.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, AC. The scenes are written in my memory!

Marie Smith said...

Love sparrows, Joanne, I’ve only ever see three varieties here.

Marie Smith said...

The berries will be bird food soon, I imagine, Mildred.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, B.

Marie Smith said...

I aspire to take bird photos like you do, Debbie!

Marie Smith said...

We only have to observe, Jenn.

Marie Smith said...

“Open eyes, hearts and minds,” love it, EC.

Marie Smith said...

There are dozens of blue jays in that area, Bill.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, Catarina.

Marie Smith said...

We both love that area, Tomoko.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, PDP. I love “shooting” birds.

Marie Smith said...

We didn’t get out this morning when all the trees were covered in snow. Maybe next time though, Angela.

jenny_o said...

Your bird photos are wonderful. I have a soft spot for chickadees as they are so tiny but cheerful. You certainly managed to find colour after all.

Marie Smith said...

I love the chickadees too, Jenny. It is hard not to enjoy their antics!

Barbara said...

The best part of bare branches is seeing the birds better. Love those orange berries.

Marie Smith said...

I so agree, Barbara. The birds are much more obvious now.

The Furry Gnome said...

Looks like early December in your part of the country too.

Marie Smith said...

We are on the verge of that coldest season, FG.