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Sunday 10 December 2017

Roadside reminder

                                                                            Source unknown


DJan said...

Love it! Whoever put it up there is being nice to me, reminding me of what's really important. :-)

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Reminds me of a song that used to be sung by a man called Duster Bennett:
"It's nice to be important
But more important to be nice".

Linda d said...


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Words to live by.

Tabor said...

Especially in these times. Someone should put that sign on the White House lawn.

Joanne Noragon said...

Good use of a spare chalk board.

Anonymous said...

"Nice" that someone took the time to write that and thank YOU for sharing.

Debbie said...

it's just a great message!!

i always told my kids, "you should know everyone's name, especially the janitor"!!!

Elephant's Child said...

A loud and emphatic YES from here.

Bill said...

A nice reminder in case you need one, I like it, Marie.

Jenn said...

I wish more people lived their lives by this mantra.

Stewart M said...

Too true! I may get this a shirt!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

PerthDailyPhoto said...

So true Marie, it's so much more fun being nice than it is being horrible 😊

Marie Smith said...

I need a reminder every now and then, Jan.

Marie Smith said...

Never heard that one, John. I will look it up.

Marie Smith said...

Indeed, Linda.

Marie Smith said...

They are indeed, Debra.

Marie Smith said...

It would be a good reminder there I think, Tabor.

Marie Smith said...

So true, Joanne.

Marie Smith said...

You are welcome, Mildred.

Marie Smith said...

I so agree with your idea. Everyone is important.

Marie Smith said...

Agreed, EC.

Marie Smith said...

A reminder every now and then doesn’t go astray, Bill.

Marie Smith said...

Me too, Jenn.

Marie Smith said...

It would be a great one, Stewart.

Marie Smith said...

It makes your own life better too, PDP.

jenny_o said...

In full agreement!

Ginnie Hart said...

WONDERFUL! And so true.....

Barbara said...

Isn't that the truth.

Marie Smith said...


Marie Smith said...

Agreed, Ginnie.

Marie Smith said...

I think so, Barbara.