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Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Through the wildflowers

Looking out to the harbour at Summerside from the boardwalk, one must look through the wildflowers in a number of areas this month. It makes for a rare view of the harbour, filtered through the wild colours and beauty of nature. 

Queen Anne’s lace, whether in a meadow-like setting

or a few clumps here and there, 

always catch the eye. Spent blooms close into basket shapes as the seeds form. The baskets have their own intricacy. Could a human hand create such beauty?

Goldenrod adds some of the yellow of its August glory to the scenes 

as it pops up amid various coloured companions, including the purples of thistle.

Various grasses are tall and wave in the breeze, 

reaching over the heads of most of the passers-by. Their height and uniformity make me stop and look.

Insects love the various wild blooms too and occasionally I capture them with the lens. 

Meanwhile, the harbour has diamonds on its surface, the sun offering her best reflections as background.

Every time my husband and I visit the boardwalk, I photograph the same scenes. This month will bring much change to the area as the flowers set their seed. I am interested to see them.


Shammickite said...

You are so lucky, to be able to walk along the shore and see all this beauty.

DJan said...

The wildflowers are so pretty. I love your musings about them, as well as your lovely pictures. Have a wonderful week, Marie. :-)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Goldenrod means August!

Anvilcloud said...

Nature often combines colours well -- like the yellow of the goldenrod and purple of the thistles.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Beautiful series of wildflower scenarios Marie, looking forward to seeing those boardwalk changes ✨

Linda said...


Secondary Roads said...

I always enjoy watching Queen Anne's Lace as it goes through its annual cycle. That beauty is well named, because of its regal nature. Around here, day lilies are giving color to our eyes.

eileeninmd said...


It is wonderful the same scene can be different and beautiful each time you visit. I love the views of the wildflowers and the water. Lovely series!
Wishing you a happy day!

Tabor said...

Some of my favorites!!

William Kendall said...

Beautiful views, Marie!

Bill said...

What a wonderful walk and to see all the changes. Beautiful wildflowers and beautiful views, priceless!

Debbie said...

the queen anne's lace is so pretty, i actually like it best, right before it opens!!

the goldenrod lines our beaches by the dunes and the monarchs use it as they migrate to mexico!!!

Mage said...

They are beautiful and fascinating. We don't have them here, so my opportunity to enjoy them must be here. Thank you.

Laurel Wood said...

Very pretty

Elephant's Child said...

ABSOLUTELY glorious. Many, many thanks.

Down by the sea said...

It's amazing how your seasons seem to be so far behind and then they suddenly catch up! We have golden rod and wild carrot growing at the moment too! Sarah x

Rose said...

Oh, I so love these makes me want to get out and ramble even more!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Each of these pictures is stunning. I love that Queen Anne's Lace,but then I love all the flowers. Wild ones are often the best.

Lea said...

Beautiful! Great photos!
Hope you are having a wonderful week!

Barb said...

All these photos are breathtaking! Would love to take this walk with you!

Joanne Noragon said...

Beautiful pictures. These evoke meadow fields, late summer, for me. Almost time to go back to school.

Natalia said...

Those are stunning, love wildflowers so so much☺

Ginnie Hart said...

Wildflowers are just so fascinating, Marie, no matter where they are, but I can just imagine seeing them near the water like this. How wonderful for you...and thanks for sharing it all with us. I am familiar with Queen Anne's Lace from my sister's farm in Michigan and am always in awe of it. And no, I don't believe any human hand could create it!

baili said...

Oh i fell in love with white basket like flowers dear Marie :)

special thanks for magnificent closeup !!!

your eyes are lucky to receive so many glorious message of nature everyday my

i am so happy you shared the abundance of beauty around you these days :)

Jenn said...

So pretty!!! I don't know if you notice it there but here in Alberta it seems like we have way more wildflowers than usual. No complaints from me!!

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

Seeing where you live through the lens of your camera is always a delight Marie. Every season seems to have its own aura. Lovely.

Catarina said...

These are fabulous pictures of the wild flowers!

Barbara said...

I do love Queen Anne's Lace. So dainty yet makes a statement. I wanted to plant some ornamental grasses at my last house. I thought the sound of them blowing in the wind might be interesting. I didn't know which would be best so I was going to try a variety. Unfortunately, I am without a yard again but I might try in buckets on my porch. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Forest Mother said...

I love your pictures of Queen Anne’s Lace. Like you I like to revisit the same places and watch change however subtle it may be.