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Thursday 20 August 2020

Along the way 5

We passed this barn and paddock with the horses when my husband and I were cycling. I’ve seen horses at this farm previously but they’ve never been in the area near the road. I had to stop.

The old fence alone is reason to stop and look however. It looks like fences from years ago when you cut the wood yourself. In Newfoundland, people like my grandfather called this wood longers.  No pressure treated lumber here just longers which are nature treated over time. One such fence was built on a plot of land in Summerside recently. 

How many years has the fence been around this paddock? It has aged, looks ancient even and has so much character. It also does the job needed of any fence.

As I slowly approached, two of the horses walked away. However, the horse with the crescent on its forehead stayed.

It continued to eat, selectively picking its favourite morsels from among the ground cover. At one point it picked up a Queen Anne’s Lace with some grass but quickly dropped it. The lacy blooms are safe where the horses are concerned.

At one time, this farm had trotters for harness racing which is popular on Prince Edward Island and has a long history here. They ran in this paddock but these horses are much bigger than trotters. Are the days of harness racing over for this farm?

The barn is holding up well. With the horses and the old fence around the paddock this is an island farm setting which illustrates island culture and tradition.


eileeninmd said...


Beautiful views of the farm and barn. I love the old fence and the pretty horses. Have a happy day and weekend!

Martha said...

The fencing is incredible! I've never seen a fence like that. What work that would take! Love seeing the beautiful horses too. I hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

DJan said...

Such a beautiful horse. I wonder what its name is, with that pretty crescent marking. And those fences are really interesting, Marie. Thank you for sharing them with me. :-)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's a truly rustic fence alright! Horses are such beautiful, graceful animals, aren't they! Always a pleasure to see.

Anvilcloud said...

Neat fence.

The Padre said...

The Places You Will Go And The Scenery You Will Observer - Yay, More Bike Rides - Would Love To Cycle Japan For My Next Birthday Adventure - Enjoy Your Weekend


Linda said...

Love the fence and the pictures. I wondered if you were still cycling.....GO YOU TWO!

Angela said...

Beautiful fence. It's so pleasing to the eye to see fences made with something that is part of nature. Lovely horses!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh wow! I love that old fence. It has so much more character than a wire fence. The horses are also beautiful. Just a very pleasant post.

Boud said...

One of my favorite posts to date. I wonder if it's a boarding stable?

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Everything about this post, is lovely!!!


Thank you for posting it.

๐Ÿˆ ๐Ÿˆ ๐Ÿˆ

Anita said...

I love this photoes!!the horses!!!
Reminds me of a good late summer day!

Greetings Anita

William Kendall said...

Beautiful horses. I've seen similar fences in rural Ontario.

Bill said...

Beautiful photos! I love those fences that show their character. The horses are beautiful and very pretty. Glad to see that you are enjoying your bikes. Pedal power! Have a great weekend.

Elephant's Child said...

I love the fence. It does the job, and does it with charm.
The paddock with the wildflowers and the horses is spectacular too.
Thank you.

Rose said...

I love that is a beauty. And that is a fine, handsome barn. And the old have three of my favorite things here. I see a fence like this occasionally, but sure not often.

Joanne Noragon said...

Lovely horses. Hope they are out to pasture, so to speak.

Red said...

Funny how fences use the nearby material. If there's wood you have wood fences. If thee's stone you have a stone fence. If you have neither of these products then you have wire fence.

Barbara said...

I love love love that fence. Funny how some things bring you pleasure when there is really no reason. I'm glad to know the Queen Anne Lace would not hurt the horses. I was worried at first.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

A fascinating post. Hedges are much more common than fences in this part of the world and certainly never anything as rustic as that. My father remembered organised trotting races in England but they're seldom seen these days, apart from gypsy people who occasionally race each other along country roads, usually early on Sunday mornings when there's no one else around.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The horses we see around here are mostly Mennonite work horses.

baili said...

Dear Marie it is such a pleasure always to see and konw what is happening in your encouraging world :)

You captured the old fence beautifully! I can see how time has written witty wrinkles on it ,it is Amazing indeed.
Loved pretty horses. Your observations enlighten my day always ;)
Enjoy your wander and cycling my friend!

photowannabe said...

Oh, do I love that Longer fence. I would have taken a bunch of photos myself...and those gorgeous horses just add to the scenery.
What a perfect crescent on that beautiful face.
Enjoy your weekend.

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

Another great post, Marie. I can't wait 'til you get your new bike and hope we get lots of pictures of you putting it to use ! Also loved the Queen Anne's Lace pictures. I've always loved them.

Debbie said...

that fence is gorgeous, old world beautiful!! and a great way to recycle the wood naturally!! the horses are so pretty too...i have never been a fan of horse racing, i shutter when i see it on t.v.!! the grasses seem high around the horses and that crescent moon on the one horse, wow!!!

i hope you are enjoying the bikes, did you get yours?? it has been too hot here for me to ride!!

Helen said...

I know I haven't been here but it brings back wonderful memories of walking along the Confederation trail. Your images remind me so much of what I saw. Your second last image is my favourite.

Tanza Erlambang said...

interesting story about the fence and the island culture....

Can we find wild horses in the island?....Just wonder....