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Sunday 23 August 2020

Birds of a feather

Over the last several years I have come to enjoy watching birds. These days, as summer is taking her last breaths, some migrating shorebirds spend time along the beach in Summerside. I enjoy standing in silence along the shoreline photographing the migrants and some of the full time island birds. Sometimes the results are curious.

This mallard had a perfect reflection in a blue stream.

As she proceeded up the stream, the reflection of the reeds on the water changed the scene entirely.

Sometimes I take photos facing into the sun to see silhouettes. These crows were such a photo.

The beach in Summerside provides perfect camouflage for some of the little shorebirds such as Semi-palmated Plovers. Can you find two of the little birds among the stones along the shoreline?

Taking photos of water while facing into the sun results in a silver setting for bird silhouettes. The Great Blue Heron is unmistakable.

The Greater Yellowlegs is not quite as easy to identify.

This is a Black-bellied Plover which I had seen earlier otherwise I would never have been able to identify it among the sparkles.

Sometimes you just want to have all your ducks in a row.


I mistakenly called the crows ravens. Thank you to for the correction.

My husband and I hope to go cycling again this week. We’ve had to wait for a hitch for the car so we can attach the bike rack. I will use our daughter’s bike again. My new one isn’t expected for another month.

Tanza at asked if there are wild horses on Prince Edward Island. While there are many horses on the island, there aren’t any wild horses. There are such horses on Sable Island off the coast of neighbouring Nova Scotia.


eileeninmd said...


The birdwatching can be great during the fall migration. Beautiful captures of the Mallards and the reflections. I found both of the Plovers, they are sweet. Love the GB Heron, Yellowlegs and the sparkly Black-bellied Plover images. Enjoy the bike ride! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

We don't appreciate birds enough.

Anvilcloud said...

Here's to a great autumn of birdwatching for you.

DJan said...

I love watching birds through your posts, too. The pictures are wonderful, especially the heron and the plover. You are a talented photographer! :-)

Martha said...

I love bird watching even if it's just in my backyard. Your photos are gorgeous and I love the reflection shots, i think the first one is my very favorite. Have a great week and enjoy your bike ride :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I think we are kindred spirits as far as birds go Marie, there is something special about watching them as they go about their daily habits. Beautiful series of shots here and yes, after embiggening your photo and looking carefully I did spot the plovers, excellent camouflage 😊 Happy biking πŸ’™

Dennis Yannakos said...

Beautiful nature! Birdwatching is so relaxing!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Gorgeous photos!

Ahhh, ravens. Your photo shows that they have a *square* looking tail. So crows must have the tails with a V.


Catarina said...

I saw 2 birds!! Had to zoom in to see them.

Birds are very photogenic.
: )

Rhodesia said...

Hi Marie, beautiful photos. Sorry I am not visiting so often but our WiFi is slower than slow at present and to visit your blogs it is taking me anything between 15 and 30 mins to download each blog, It is pathetic and very frustrating.
Keep safe Diane

Mage said...

I think you are marvelous. I loved the hedges and the horses, and appreciate the artistry in the bird photos. Thank you for all your support.

Debbie said...

i found the first plover quickly, it took me a minute to find the second one (one the right)!! the water, and your images are so very pretty, the reflections are gorgeous!!

i am looking forward to fall, i am so over the heat!!

Bill said...

Birdwatching is fun. I walk by the water everyday and see the birds going about their day just like us. I did see those two birds, it took me awhile. :) Thanks for taking us along, it was grand!

Elephant's Child said...

And how I love watching birds - yours and ours.

Helen said...

What wonderful photography of these birds and posted so beautifully.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful pictures. i love the reflections and the sparkles in the water, almost as much as I love the. birds.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I love the shot of the plover silhouette. Great post!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I love bird watching and finding interesting birds. I really should read up and familiarize myself with the various kinds of birds. Half the year I'm in Pennsylvania and half in Florida so I get to see a great variety.

Boud said...

This is a lovely collection of photographs. The great blue heron is one of my favorite birds, such power and elegance when he rises up.

Joanne Noragon said...

No, I didn't see them. I hope they are home in time for supper.

Red said...

sometimes we learn alot by experimenting with the camera. There is so much that w have to learn about light.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I didn't locate the Semipalmated Plovers so I guess they really did their job in camouflaging so well. We off to a shorebird migration spot this morning so perhaps we'll see a couple there.

Linda said...

I enjoyed bird watching with you. Your pictures are lovely.

photowannabe said...

Thanks for the delightful tour today. Such lovely scenery and birds...Love the silhouettes especially.

Peter Clothier said...

Beautiful pictures. Lucky you!

William Kendall said...

The mallard was a very cooperative photo subject.

Rose said...

I love that shot of the mallards with the reeds reflection. And love the shot--the second one from the bottom. But really enjoyed all. Not sure if I found the birds in the one shot or not.

Barbara said...

Once again you have shared the most beautiful photos. Shots of birds, especially ducks, and water soothe my soul.