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Wednesday, 6 July 2022

Friends along the boardwalk

The boardwalk in Summerside is a great place for exercise throughout the year. We are never bored with the section which we frequent because there is always something different to see. Each season brings its own beauty and summer doesn’t disappoint. These are some of the animal friends of the boardwalk which we have enjoyed on our walks the last several weeks.

Red squirrels are as busy as ever and approach walkers for food which many provide. 

The tiny rodents have favourite areas, such as the bridge or a favourite bench where walkers pause and enjoy their company. 

Eastern Chipmunks collect maple seeds which fall on the boardwalk. 

They also take sunflower seeds from walkers although they are not as bold as their fellow rodents, the squirrels.

Dozens of Blue Jays hang out near the bridge too. 

They gather if one stops on the bridge. If you leave peanuts, they will quickly take them. The birds also provide the alarm system for the other animals if a predator comes into the area.

The Common Grackles are noisy and spend time around the bridge as well. 

They will eat seeds left in various feeders but are not as willing to be around people as the jays are.  

Red-winged blackbirds are their usual noisy selves. 

The males will chase off any crows who get too close to their nests among the bulrushes, where the females tend the young.

Every June, Sora visit the stream along the boardwalk. 

These birds are elusive and can be difficult to photograph. I was lucky enough to be there at the right time. Notice the length of its claws.

Herring gulls frequent the area 

and American Black Ducks live along the stream too. We didn’t see any ducklings this year however.

Recently, another walker pointed out a Leopard Frog in the grass along by the boardwalk. 

It was well camouflaged as it watched the proceedings. It stayed quiet and barely moved as we watched it for ten minutes. We had never see a frog there before.

The Song Sparrows are numerous along the length of the boardwalk. One doesn’t have to walk far to hear them perform.

Great Blue Herons visit the bay throughout the season and often stop by the salt water marsh and stream. 

Recently one took flight as we arrived at the gazebo and landed in a tree overlooking the boardwalk.

One great sight along the boardwalk this summer has been a pair of Belted Kingfishers. They perch in the trees along the shore and fish along the coastline. They fly to an area, hover, look below in the water and dive into the water to catch food such as fish, then fly into the trees with it. I have watched them on several occasions now and was lucky enough to take video of one such fishing expedition. You can see it here.

Finally, the last photo is of the end of a culvert which empties by the side of the boardwalk. A young fox on the walkway escaped into the culvert when people came along. We saw it poke its head out once and waited for another glimpse, to no avail. We hope to get its photo one day.




Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

So many things to see if one just opens their eyes. How many people walk right by these without seeing them? Awesome shot of the Sora!

Helen said...

Just wonderful images, Marie! The video of the Belted Kingfisher is wonderful. So lovely to return to the boardwalk so soon.

Boud said...

Wonderful observations. You really make the most of your surroundings.

Anvilcloud said...

So many critters. I take it that this boardwalk is fairly long?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Great shots of all of them -- even the culvert!

William Kendall said...

Some good company there.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I can see why this place would always hold new sights and treasures. Beautiful shots.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

All lovley...

Smart fox!!!

Gentle hugs,
🌸🌷🌺 🌸🌷🌺

Debbie said...

gorgeou, gorgeous birds, the heron is so majestic. i would have missed the size of the sora's claws, had you not pointed that out!! i would have also missed that cute little frog...

you have a great eye for spotting all the beauty around you!!

Debbie said...

i too hope you get a photograph of the fox!!

MARY G said...

I can't decide which is funnier - the blue jay or the frog. What a lot of lovely, lovely photos. Thanks. Again.

photowannabe said...

Thank you Marie, for taking me on this delightful walk. Your photos of all the birds are wonderful. I love the Jay and his quizical look.

Bill said...

Beautiful photos and narrative. All those critters do have the area all mapped out for their observations, it is secured and monitored by the best on the island. :)

Elephant's Child said...

I do love the friends you meet on your walks. The Sora's claws (a species new to me) are truly impressive.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Nice photography. Nice walks, too.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great series of pictures, Marie. Well done. I think that Sora is elusive not illusive, but if it tends to put in an appearance in June I hope to see it next year. Always a great sighting.

DJan said...

Just plain wonderful. I enjoyed going on this walk with you and meeting your lovely critters, well captured with your camera. Thank you!

jenny_o said...

What a great look at the wildlife, many of which we share. I am glad to have the ID of the common grackle; I've been trying to decide on that one for several years now! Thank you.

The Furry Gnome said...

Great pictures of those beasties!

Maebeme said...

What a wonderful place to walk - all that wildlife is amazing!

Linda said...

No shortage of subjects on this beautiful stretch of land.

Joanne Noragon said...

A plethora of wild creatures. Hooray for the heron.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Stunning photos Marie. You have a real talent with the camera and I enjoyed each and every one of your pictures :)

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

What a varied and entertaining bunch of friends you have! Brilliant portraits of them all.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Wonderful photo story of the boardwalk

eileeninmd said...

Hello Marie,

What a wonderful walk, I love all the nature sightings and your photos. Beautiful bird sightings. The Sora is a great bird, I do not see them often. The Leopard Frog is a cutie! Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

Rhodesia said...

What a great set of photos, think your Jay is prettier than ours but I have been delighted to see one visiting us. Love the frog, very pretty markings.
Have a great weekend Diane

Marie Smith said...

AC asked about the length of this section of the boardwalk where I take these photos. The area is a kilometre in length, so we do two kilometres among these animals when we walk there. Marie

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

The Leopard Frog seems to be having fun ...

Lea said...

Great assortment of beautiful critters!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Lorrie said...

There are so many interesting creatures to see along your boardwalk. Great photos. The leopard frog is certainly well camouflaged. The red squirrel is so much prettier than the invasive grey squirrels we have here.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Your posts are always so interesting. I had never seen a Sora or Leopard Frog before, so I really enjoyed the chance to get a look at those. Lovely!

Mage said...

You give me the gift of looking at my world differently. Thank you.

Catarina said...

Lovely shots.

Danielle L Zecher said...

I love the squirrel and chipmunk pictures! My grandfathers on both sides always fed them and it always makes me think of happy memories with them to see squirrels or chipmunks.

John's Island said...

Hi Marie, I’m sitting here this morning, July 17, checking out some of the blogs I follow. I recall leaving you a comment on your July 4th post, Thunderstorm at the Beach. And this morning I see you’ve been busy with 3 excellent posts since then. My goodness how time flies. “Friends along the boardwalk” is another post with lots of excellent captures. Special congrats on the Great Blue Heron shots. So far I haven’t had an opportunity to see one of my Herons in a tree. Such a neat capture! And I did enjoy the Belted Kingfisher video! Thanks for sharing! John

margi said...

You are a good observer and the photos of birds are always amazing. During my vacation in France we visited a flamingo's natural park. You would love the place, I'm sure.