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Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Something new every day

My husband and I walk the boardwalk most days about mid morning, before it is too hot. One of the good things about the area is the breeze along the coastline which cools us as we go. The area which we frequent, is different day to day and my husband and I enjoy discovering what is new or different. 

We always start at the gazebo to see what is happening at the salt marsh/pond that morning. 

There are usually American Black Ducks but if we are lucky, one of the Great Blue Herons who return to Bedeque Bay every summer is visiting the marsh too.

Birds are some of my favourite animals. Birds of any size, shape and description are fascinating to me and I enjoy observing them. I take numerous shots with the hope of one good photo. I especially enjoy photos of birds when several species are in the frame. 

I was pleased this month to see these three species co-existing at the end of the marsh, with the sea in the background. 

The American Black Ducks live in the marsh, moving easily between the marsh and the bay. 

Gulls are always around the bay and this may be a Herring Gull. 

We watched the Great Blue Heron disappear into the bulrushes.

The same day we saw an Osprey that lives in the area perched on a pole which gives it a great view of its domain. 

We hear Osprey and see them hunting sometimes along our way.

A Yellow Bellied Sapsucker was busy among the trees as well. This one stayed at this particular tree long enough for me to take a photo.

Another of the treats that day was the chicory plant which was blooming beside the trail.

It was the first such plant I’d seen along the trail and I’ve noticed it every day since. It is a pretty wildflower which is used in medicine and as a cooking spice.

We always notice the chipmunks too. 

They are so tiny this time of year. Could they be any cuter?

Every day our favourite place for a walk has something which is picture worthy.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

We drew a seagull last week in art class.

DJan said...

I love this walk, too. You do see some interesting birds. That heron does almost disappear into the rushes, but I saw him from his eye! Love the little chippies, too.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Love the variety of birdlife you have there. I'd never seen a black duck until we visited your island.

Catarina said...

All places you visit are picture worthy.
You are surrounded by beauty.

Boud said...

Yrs, walking the same route is s great way to observe new changes. I love chicory. We haver it along many toads here, a favorite summer sight.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Yes, chipmunks are cute...

thank you for your happiness, at my good news. :-)

💛 💛 💛 💛

Bill said...

What a great way to begin your day, a nice walk in nature. Lots of wildlife and critters to see and enjoy plus take photos.

Velva said...

Love watching birds too. Living in Florida water birds are abundant. Enjoyed your post.


Elephant's Child said...

What an absolutely delightful walk. Thank you so much for sharing it. I would be walking very, very slowly trying to take in all the wonders...

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I enjoy the birds as well. I could sit for hours just watching them. Nice photos, thanks for sharing

margi said...

The photos are great! It is easy to notice that they are made with love and care.

William Kendall said...

I have a great fondness for herons.

The Furry Gnome said...

Chicory is blooming all over the place here, some roadsides are blue with it.

MARY G said...

I wonder if your chickory is the same thing as what I have always called cornflower. I will try and get a photo, to compare.
Love the birds and the bird photos are great.

Joanne Noragon said...

The squirrels are tiny--exceptionally small.

Red said...

it's good that some native habitat is left for the critters.

Barwitzki said...

Beautiful photos. Many Thanks.
The blue flower also grows with us, it is called chicory - Wegwarte - here.
Many warm greetings to you.

Anvilcloud said...

i like the balance and composition of the first photo of the three species.

Helen said...

A very special environment on your doorstep. Thank you for always sharing its mystery and beauty. Your chicory image radiates happiness.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

It's great to have a place like that to walk regularly.

Debbie said...

you are seeing a great variety of birds and wildlife. our mornings here are in the 70's and it is almost too warm to walk, ride or zing. the chicory plant is so pretty, the light cast on it's pedals is just perfect!!

we have a lot of osprey in the area right now, it is always a treat to see them!!

photowannabe said...

Every shot is definitely photo worthy.
I love all the critters along the way and the Chicory is so pretty with the sun and shadows.
Thanks for taking me on your walk.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I don't think I would get much walking done, when there are birds and flowers around to photograph. Lovely shots.

roentare said...

Beautiful nature photos on display.

Maebeme said...

Lovely photos, and that chipmunk is downright adorable.
I never really paid attention to the birds until I started walking near the creek and pond since I retired. My brother was once a conservation officer and so I send him photos when I come across one that I don't recognize. It certainly makes the walks more interesting.

eileeninmd said...

Looks like a great outings, wonderful birds seen and a cute chipmunk. Two of my favorites are the GB Heron and the Osprey. We are seeing lots of the Chicory plants here too. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I would LOVE to have a beautiful place like this to walk every morning.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Lovely photo.
Coffee is on and stay safe

John's Island said...

Hi Marie, In your first sentence you say you walk the boardwalk most days about mid morning, before it is too hot. I am surprised it ever gets too hot on PEI. 😊 Speaking of getting too hot, that’s what it’s been here in Seattle for the last 6 days … over 90F (32C). They say this is the longest stretch of hot days over 90 on record. I have little doubt it is due to climate change. I wonder if you might be noticing the same on PEI? I just continue to be amazed at how often we are on the same page. I also love birds, and exactly like you, take several shots with the hope of one good photo. You have some really nice captures in this post. The flower is a beauty and the chipmunk is so cute. Happy week ahead to you! John

HWIT BLOGG said...

What a beautiful place for a daily walk...I love every picture!!!
Love from Titti

Sherry's Pickings said...

when we lived in the US, i used to love seeing squirrels and chipmunks! that heron looks similar to the white faced heron we have here.

Barbara said...

I don't think I've ever seen the American Black Duck. Great pix. I'm looking forward to moving to the Senior Apts where they have ducks if that works out.