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Monday 17 April 2017


Surprise! It survived another winter, withstood the snow and wind to live another season.

The shed is part of an old farmstead in a nearby rural community. The place is abandoned, with no trespassing signs on the driveway to the house. Even the house is looking the worse for wear.

The shed itself is well photographed. We often observe people stopped to take pictures in the summer, as have we, when the vines are green. Today, they are knotted, brown gray rope, randomly attached to the shed, 


held in place by miniature tendrils, unseen from a distance. They withstand the high winds, clinging to the shed for dear life.

The roof collapsed in the center first, where there was the least support. A close-up shows how the shingles have disintegrated.


The hobbit-like door probably caused a few knocks to heads over the years. Mice and other animals don't mind though.


My favourite part of the shed is the window on the windward side. 


The glass is long gone, now just a gaping mouth with fang-like splinters of wood hanging from the top. The vines, like strings of hair, fall around it. 


What do you think it utters in the long hours it spends alone in the elements?


DJan said...

It's a fine old ruin. Perhaps it dreams of times gone by when life and laughter abounded. :-)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

So you think it might be the vines holding it up then Marie! This photogenic old shack has a strong will to hang on as long as it can.. it probably loves the attention ☺

Anonymous said...

Hi Marie, Oh I love your photos. This place would make a good location for a mystery book!
I wish you a lovely Monday.

Celia said...

Love these old places. Traveling north out of our rural area, there used to be a barn next to the highway. For decades after winter it tilted a little more east until one day it was gone. We stopped and got out to looked and it had slid down a little slope and lay flat with its door facing the sky. I miss it every time I drive by there. I always wonder about the lives of those who build it.

Debbie said...

It must be well constructed- it does seem that one good wind would take it down!! Nice images!!

Angela said...

I have so many thoughts when I see an abandoned house or other buildings. I think about who were the people who lived there or used that building. What were their memories of the place, etc. It's amazing how nature reclaims natural elements like wood and even nails and such.

Bill said...

I love this! It seems to have its own strong will to survive another day. Nature sure has its grip on it.

Elephant's Child said...

They built to last didn't they?
I hope it remembers pleasant times, productive times. And equally hope it isn't plotting revenge. It is obviously stronger than a lot of us...

Mage said...

There is something blue behind those teeth tho. I wonder what it is. Yes, worthy of being photographed.

Marie Smith said...

I always think the same, Jan, of times when there were children playing in the garden.

Marie Smith said...

Lol. Maybe it is the vines keeping it in place, PDP. It does love the attention I believe.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, Mildred. It is a great setting!

Marie Smith said...

There are many old homestead in the countryside here that have fallen into disrepair, Celia. I always wonder about the owners too. Sad!

Marie Smith said...

I think it is sturdier than it looks, Debbie.

Marie Smith said...

It is incredible how quickly nature reclaims abandoned structures, Angela. I always think of the people too.

Marie Smith said...

It sure does, Bill. But it withstood strong winds this past winter, wihout any protection.

Marie Smith said...

I hope it had pleasant memories as well, EC.

Marie Smith said...

I see something there too, Mage. I cannot discern what it is.

Anvilcloud said...

I would stop too.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

VERY wabi-sabi! Love it.

Ginnie Hart said...

It would clearly make a good haunt for kids around Halloween time, right?????

Marie Smith said...

Lots of people do, AC.

Marie Smith said...

Love that observation, Debra. Indeed it is.

Marie Smith said...

It would, with a lot of supervision, Ginnie.

The Happy Whisk said...

Poor thing, I'm not sure what it utters, but there is also a beauty in your photos. Even with it broken down so.

Marie Smith said...

I think the shed has a certain dignity in its condition, a job well done in tough times, HW.

The Happy Whisk said...

Yes, I agree.

Down by the sea said...

It's amazing it is still standing! Sarah x

Marie Smith said...

I was surprised to see it was still upright after the high winds this winter, Sarah.

The Furry Gnome said...

Always wonder what happened when you see a place like that, especially if there's an abandoned house.

Marie Smith said...

I wonder the same, FG. It is sad to see it waste away.