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Wednesday 5 April 2017

Spring dunes

They take a beating in the winter. The sand dunes, our first line of defense against erosion of the beaches on Prince Edward Island, look battered after last winter. 

We compared the dunes of Cabot Beach to photos we had from last summer and the difference was obvious.

August 2017


April 2017


On the beach, the Marram grass is straw-like now compared to the verdant appearance of the upper part of the beach last summer.

August 2016      


 April 2017

How long does it take the Marram grass to recover? When the ice disappears and the sun warms the air, do the new strands of Marram grow from the roots of the straw left from last year?

August 2016


April 2017

We will be curious to see the growth of the grass and what the area looks like in August.


DJan said...

That is amazing, in just a half year's time. I will be interested in seeing what they look like in August this year. Thanks for sharing this information. :-)

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how icy the water is compared to the dunes. Delaware always has beach erosion and is continuously replenishing the sand. Andrea

Celia said...

Wow, lost a chunk of sand there. Love seeing the changes. Looking forward to more, especially the grass recovery, hope it's good.

The Happy Whisk said...

I'm hungry so I read, Carrot Beach.

Excellent pictures :-)

Elephant's Child said...

I hope that warmth and moisture DOES mean the grass returns. Quickly.

Mage said...

Please keep us posted.

The Happy Whisk said...

Thanks for stopping by and yes, it's oh so fun to try different things when baking and cooking. It's great fun. Might even make a second plate of them tonight.

What's for supper at your house?

Marie Smith said...

It was devastated there, Jan. I hope it recovers fully!

Marie Smith said...

We fortify some areas with rock here but the dunes are really important.

Marie Smith said...

I hope it recovers, Celia.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, HW.

Marie Smith said...

We had our grandchildren with us for supper tonight, so we made a casserole with ground beef that they enjoy! My husband made cupcakes for dessert. They took the leftovers home.

Marie Smith said...

I can't wait to see when the grass turns green and new grows in the barren places. We have to stay off the grass because we can damage the root system.

Marie Smith said...

Will do, Mage.

Shammickite said...

April showers bring May, er, no not flowers,.... marram grass.

Debbie said...

WoW, the changes are remarkable. We rely heavily on our dunes here as well and they have taken quite the beating this past winter!!

Marie Smith said...

I pray they do, Shammickite.

Marie Smith said...

Do you have any photos of the area, Debbie? It would be interesting to compare them.

Anonymous said...

Amazing photos. Please keep us posted. Wishing you a nice day.

Anvilcloud said...

That's a good idea you have. Happy snapping.

Marie Smith said...

I plan to follow the progress of the Marram grass, Mildred.

Marie Smith said...

It was so great to be out in the sun without the high wind that day, AC. I will enjoy these excursions.

Danielle L Zecher said...

Beautiful pictures! It's interesting to see the comparisons.

Barb said...

Hope the moisture rejuvenates the dune grass!

Marie Smith said...

It was an incredible sight to us, Danielle.

Marie Smith said...

Let's hope so, Barb!

Ginnie said...

Your pictures certainly are testament to the changes taking place. It is almost eerie to see such concrete examples of change.

Marie Smith said...

We are losing shoreline every year, Ginnie!

Tomoko said...

Every photo is interesting, and make me think that those grass have grown strong in the severe weather.
I agree with Barb.Happy weekend to you.

Rick (Ratty) said...

I hope you share the changes here as time goes by. That would be fun to see the differences. I like the comparisons you have here already.

Ginnie Hart said...

It really is such a clear difference, Marie. One wonders how Mother Earth ever recovers from what wreaks havoc on her. God help us to figure it all out!

Marie Smith said...

It will be interesting to watch what happens, Tomoko.

Marie Smith said...

I hope it recovers to where it was last year, Ratty.

Marie Smith said...

Left to her own devices, Mother Nature keeps all in balance. Ginnie, let's hope this beach can return to its previous state.

Debbie said...

hi marie, i do...but not progressive like yours. ours are repaired pretty quickly now, since super storm sandy, the heavy equipment has been working on our beaches all winter. and we also just had a dune grass planting project. i couldn't go because of a prior commitment but the turn out was incredible. the people that live in this area, we love our beaches!!!

The Happy Whisk said...

That all sounds yummy.

Happy Weekend :-)

Marie Smith said...

It is great to see the people respond like that, Debbie. We had a dune grass planting last year too. The environmental studies students do it.

Marie Smith said...

It was, HW.

The Furry Gnome said...

That Marram grass is amazing the way it's roots go all the way down through the dune and hold it together!

Marie Smith said...

It is an incredible plant, FG.

baili said...

beautiful dunes!
loved specially it's look in August last year

Marie Smith said...

I hope the dunes recover this year, Baili.