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Wednesday, 25 September 2019

The horse farm

The kids had horses on the list of animals to see on Open Farm Day recently. One farm we visited had twenty horses and a variety of other animals, including rabbits, cats, dogs, turkeys, goats, and pigs. The kids loved it.

One turkey looked to be ready for Thanksgiving in a few weeks and not in a good way.

The goats were oblivious to the visitors 

as was the pig.

The Great Dane was taller than many of the children.

The horses were the highlight of the visit however.

Riding lessons are the bread and butter of this farm and that day, children had rides around the barn. Great fun for the kids!

The horses enjoyed the hay offered in the two paddocks.

Three miniature horses had their own enclosure but put their heads through the fence to be fed grass which was beyond their reach. The grass was longer on the other side of the fence. 

My favourite photo is of our six year old granddaughter feeding the horse which had its head through the fence. She was unafraid of the animals, even this toothy one.


Anvilcloud said...

What a great idea. We have a Doors Open Day here, but I love the farm idea.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Lots of fun!

Debbie said...

what a great farm, with such a variety of animals!! the horses are so beautiful, they are always a favorite of mine!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That last picture is adorable.

William Kendall said...

A wonderful idea, and terrific shots!

eileeninmd said...


I would be like a kid at this open farm day. I love all the farm critters, the horses and the great dane. The last photo of your granddaughter is cute! Wishing you a great day!

Elephant's Child said...

What a wonderful day. Another one for the memory banks. For you all. Great photos for us too - thank you.

Bill said...

A great idea so kids get an opportunity to spend time with the different animals. A wonderful experience

Catarina said...

A beautiful day for all involved!
: )

Rose said...

What a nice place to visit...I have enjoyed seeing it through your photos.

DJan said...

Lovely pictures but I especially love that last one. Two cuties for sure! :-)

Joanne Noragon said...

Great for the kids.

Barbara said...

Yes. I noticed those teeth too!

Natalia said...

The last photo is so cute, animals are great!☺

Ginnie Hart said...

These are the adventures the kids will always remember, as you know, Marie. How wonderful! I love the last image, of course, but my other favorite is the one showing who Betty is. :)

Rhodesia said...

Wish I could have been with you I love horses and I loved my Great Dane which I had in my late teens. Best bodyguard I have ever had :-) Cheers Diane

Black Knight said...

Glad that the kids love the animals. The last photo is priceless.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence Marie... only kidding 😉 Love the last shot too, the miniature horses are almost as cute as your granddaughter, but not quite 😁

baili said...

even my favorite is last one Marie
your granddaughter is so brave :)

these are so refreshing images ,i am feeling so happy to see the nature through your delightful photos :)

jenny_o said...

Sounds like - and looks like - a fun day for the children!

Jenn said...

Turkeys are such interesting looking creatures!
I like the goats.