On one of the trails recently, as my husband and I walked along holding hands near the end of our walk, we passed another couple. This wasn’t a typical couple we meet along the trail on a weekday morning. Usually we see other people such as ourselves, retired seniors out for a constitutional, taking in the scenery. This couple, wearing university jackets, looked about twenty and held hands too. They were beginning the trail as we were leaving. How appropriate! They took me back in time.
They were us not that long ago, though sometimes I feel every day of the fifty years we’ve known each other. My husband and I met in university, both in our teens. He was in a class with my friend and stopped to talk to her. She introduced us and so it began. Six years later we were married.
Looking at this young couple, I wondered if they would be together for a lifetime. If they are, it won’t be easy. The challenges and frustrations are many. I hope, if they do make a commitment, they will never give up on each other and will care enough to argue, listen, think, apologize and forgive. It’s easy to give up, to throw up your hands and walk away rather than fight for your togetherness. Staying together is hard work!
Times have changed and young people today are marrying later than we did. I projected a lot on these two young people in this day and age. However, the seniors on the trail who wished them a good day, hope that life will afford them the same good fortune so that they too find that special someone to share the journey.
I think the hardest part of having to break-up is that the good memories can no longer be shared with a future partner. A good part of ones life is put on the shelf. Of course, if there are no good memories, than it is something that should be dissolved.
Lovely thoughts and story. Being married is hard work sometimes, never give up. This May hubby and I will have our 30th anniversary, seems like yesterday we got together. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!
I have been married more than once, and now I realize how much I lost. I just wasn't aware of what marriage was. Once the romance was gone, I thought it was time to move on. Now I have been married to my life partner for 25 years and we are happy together, but I suspect I could have made it with my first husband if I had known how to appreciate him back then. :-)
Thoughtful juxtaposition of past and present.
A wise post indeed.
so thoughtful and beautiful...i too, hope they make it. it won't always be easy but it will always be worth it!!
G and I have only been together 36 years, and it has been worth every bit of the work.
Next year it will be 40 years of marriage for us. Lots of fine tuning and it's still in great shape, wouldn't change a thing. As years seem to fly by, the love gets stronger. Great post, Marie.
I wish them and you many happy years together walking those paths.
I agree that marriage is hard work and filled with tough choices but when it's all said and done...I wouldn't have it any other way. Here's to our almost 57 years and counting!!
Your photo reminds me of the phrase, "Let us walk this way together." Marriage is definitely hard work (and very character building!) but so very much worth it. We were married a couple of months under 45 years, and I am so glad we were able to make so many wonderful memories together. I hope you and your hubby are able to celebrate many more long walks with each other. Mxx
I have often wondered if people who met and/or married young had an easier marriage. We are often more flexible when we are younger, not so set in our ways and have discovered "the only way" to live life. Or maybe the ones that are more flexible whether they met young or old make the better couples? I don't think there is any proof either way. Just interesting.
Wisely said.
Life is so different for youngsters starting out. The same, but so different.
These are some of the same thoughts I have as I see young couples starting life together. I know just how precious that loved on is, or was, now that he is no longer with me. A loss like that puts life into perspective.
I earnestly hope that young couple makes it too. I have to say, however, that there are reasons why some marriages should not succeed, and it is not always a case of not being willing to work at it. Alcoholism, physical and mental abuse, serial philandering; these instantly come to mind. When the foundation of the marriage is sound from the beginning, I am sure it is both worthwhile and possible to work through the bad spots, but if the marriage itself was ill-founded it is hard to conceive of it being salvageable. I read recently of a couple who met at a casino in Las Vegas and walked across to a wedding chapel and got married, literally hours after they had met. It strains credulity to believe that they have much chance of being together even a year from now.
I ached a little while reading this.
I was once that couple too. It did not turn out the way I had hoped. "Challenges and Frustrations" will fill the years but I've learned my job is to try to make the best of what I am handed.
I enjoy the idea of your relationship, as truly I don't really know. But the romantic in my sees you two walking and touring and photographing together and I find that I am very glad you two made it. Maybe the other couple will too but I mostly hope that they find a way to be happy.
Kind of laughing at you wondering if they will stick together...I would have wondered the same thing. We have only been together 43 years...and you are so right...have sure had some hard times. But have had good times, too.
We will soon celebrate 27 years. The time just flies by.
Really poignant writing Marie... how blessed you and your husband both are to have realized that marriage is more about work and commitment and while romance is a blessing, it is not the only thing that will hold a marriage together. My husband and I will enjoy 25 years together next year, and I can hardly believe how fast those years have passed!
I enjoyed your musings, and do hope along with you, good things for the couple you saw.
Blessings to you :)
That's lovely and so true. It feels as if there are even more pressures on couples these days.
What a wonderful winter image Marie. I think communication and a good sense of humour are a pretty good foundation for a long and happy marriage 💜
"Staying together is hard work! " So true! Bob and I are at 53 years of marriage and went together since sophomore year of high school which adds 7 more years. Our lives have been entwined since we were teens. I love the path you chose to illustrate your story. I wonder what's ahead for the young couple?
It takes great character and wisdom to know how to navigate the rough spots .. but well worth it. Love this entry, Marie.
That was well-written and enjoyable to read.
Really, well done. Thank you.
Those are good wishes for the young couples. I wonder about them myself. Will they make it?!
Beautiful sharing dear Marie :)
how amazing that you had life with your loved one and seeing the harvesting seasons together :)
i really feel for new generation who takes the toughest task so light,my eldest son sometimes tell us about breakups of his friends male and female both and i fell sad ,but according to him it is good way to know each other before getting into serious commitment
loved the image in last !
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