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Sunday 9 August 2020


There it stands, facing south near where the stream empties into the harbour at Summerside. It is easy to miss this sunny beauty with the two buds waiting their turn to shine. We smile when we notice it. 

My husband and I saw a sunflower along this bank a few years ago. The sunflowers are probably from the birdseed left by admirers of the animals in the area. A seed planted itself along the bank when it floated downstream or a bird dropped it. Whatever the method, there it planted, sprouted and grew, which is no small feat.

While it was windy this day, it was low tide. On days of high tide and high winds, sea water breaches the bank and floods the stream and salt marsh. How did the little seed survive and go on to thrive?

A few days later, we looked for the sunflower from our perch on the gazebo again. “Look, there are more,” I said as I looked left along the bank. 

We walked down the boardwalk and along a trail out to the shore. The sunny faces rimmed the shoreline.

A few plants were still in bud while others were in different stages of blooming. 

One bloom was perfect, the centre of its face more green than the more mature flowers. 

All were in the shadow of the gazebo. 

“Remember those sunflower seeds I bought a few years ago?” my husband asked. “I nurtured them for weeks. They weren’t as perfect as these accidental ones.” 

And once again, nature shows us how it’s done!


Martha said...

Beautiful and amazing little survivors :)

DJan said...

I love seeing how nature works. That perfect sunflower is simply beautiful. Thanks for sharing these sunnies, Marie! :-)

Anvilcloud said...

Oh, that is so cool. It's nice when flowers pop up unplanned. We've had this happen too but not with sunflowers.

Rhodesia said...

Gorgeous. I love happy, smiling sunflowers. Take care Diane

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

It's amazing how that plant has been tenacious enough to hang on in there, even when being inundated with salt water.

Celia said...

What a delightful surprise! And look at all those seeds, they'll keep coming back.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sunflowers are such cheery plants!

eileeninmd said...


The sunflowers are happy flowers, they are my favorite.
Nice surprise, pretty photos. Take care! Have a happy day and a great week!

Bill said...

Three cheers for the sunflower survivors. Well done, mother nature.

Elephant's Child said...

How right you are. Nature so often shows us how it is done - and what a treat this is. For you, for us, and for the birds and insects.

photowannabe said...

I love sunflowers. What delicious photos.
I think we will try to plant some for next year. They just make me feel happy.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those sunflowers are such happy blooms and to find them where you least expect them, is so special.

Shilpa said...

I love sunflowers but have never seen in real

Tanza Erlambang said...

aww...sunflowers everywhere.....beautiful blooming.

Have a wonderful day

Red said...

Volunteer sunflowers are common but in that location they would face a challenge to survive.

Joanne Noragon said...

They are beautiful.And resiliant.

Tabor said...

What a perfect bit of serindipity.

Rose said...

I love coming across surprises like this. sometimes along the highways, there are coneflowers blooming. I tried taking some of their seed and scattered them along the road at the strip pits but never seen a single one the next year.

The Liberty Belle said...

Sunflowers are such happy things. They never fail to bring a smile to my face. Blessings.

Stewart M said...

Plants really will grow just where they want to. Very nice pictures.

Hope all is well. Stewart M - Melbourne

Debbie said...

oooooh those last 2 sentences, so true!! aren't they beautiful, they sure do decorate that shoreline with color!!

thanks so much for your kind and supportive words on my blog, the hubs and i appreciate them!!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Maybe the birds will cooperate and disperse more seeds. After all they are helping themselves.

Helen said...

Oh, the joy a sunflower brings. If one wanted them to grow here, I'm quite sure it would be quite a task. I love your image of the open sunflower and bee.

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

I think this is the first time Marie when I can compete with your lovely photos. Sunflowers are about as prolific here were I live as dandelions. I still love them though ... they always make me smile.

William Kendall said...

Lovely! I've got a post of them coming up in a few days.

Anita said...

Beautiful sunflowers:)

Susie of Arabia said...

Love the closeup shot with the bee. I am missing my gardening this year! Sigh.

Liz Hinds said...

Natural sunflowers - almost. Fantastic.

Catarina said...

Nature is such a good teacher...

Barbara said...

OK now I have to go out and buy some sunflower seeds. I'm not sure if I have enough sunlight on my balcony for sunflowers but I'm going to give it a try.