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Thursday 6 August 2020

The walker

This is a story about seniors. When people see the word walker as it applies to seniors, many think of the walk assist device in common use in nursing homes. However, this story isn’t about that walker.

Early mornings this summer before humidity makes the day unbearably hot, my husband and I walk the boardwalk. 

We enjoy seeing the animals which are active early in the morning but also the cast of human characters which we see most days as well.

A number of people, like us, want to beat the heat and hit the walkway early. Many, like us, enjoy the animals along the way. Many also walk their dogs as we walk the golden grand-dog when she visits. Georgie, like many of the boardwalkers, loves watching the animals.

Dogs are great conversation starters. People stop to admire Georgie and ask her age. Sometimes we query others about their dogs. Dog owners are a breed unto themselves.

One morning, an elderly woman walked slowly behind her small dog. I commented what a cute little pup he was. She said, “He keeps me active. After I feed him, he stands by the door until I take him for a walk.” Our dogs keep us moving.

The other animals are conversation starters as well. The squirrels, chipmunks, 

muskrats and birds are the sources of much enjoyment as people bring cameras, peanuts or birdseed to the area.

A mother mallard has raised her brood of ducklings while we walk. There are several people we meet regularly who are also taking photos of the maturing ducklings and we share news of the day’s sighting.

One man appears every morning with a bag of peanuts in shells for the squirrels and raw peanuts for the chipmunks and birds. He thoroughly enjoys the animals, taking great delight in their every move. He is the animal whisperer of the boardwalk.

There are a few younger people out early in the morning too but the vast majority of early morning walkers are seniors of all shapes, sizes and physical abilities. One woman is a retired nurse who uses her cane as she walks along, enjoying the setting and the animals. Dogs recognize her for the treats she offers. She’s made a lot of friends along the way.

An 87 year old man and his wife walk early too. He brings along his camera and is always looking for an unusual animal shot. Recently they saw an albino squirrel which we are never fortunate enough to see.

Topics of conversation include the weather, the animals, cameras, wildflowers, the setting, news in the community or the province and the pandemic. It is a great place to socialize. Old friends talk longer than people who have met along the boardwalk but everyone manages a, “Good morning,” or “Beautiful day,” or at least a nod. 

People who walk the boardwalk make a little community of our own. We look for the same people every morning and wonder about them if we don’t see them for a few days. We share sightings of the animals and stories of encounters with them. Not only does the walking keep us active, it adds to our social life as well. Being this type of walker may delay our need for the other kind.


Anvilcloud said...

Nice interweaving of pics and prose to describe these mornings.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I do love the way you tell a story with pics and words Marie. That's the thing about walking, I believe it is the perfect way to exercise.. and meet fellow observers on the boardwalk of life 💜

Celia said...

What a great place for a walk. Love your stories about your walks.

Tabor said...

Looks lovely and such a respite from all that worries us.

Boud said...

Yes to all your walking thoughts. I walk out development whenever the weather permits, and greet literally everyone I meet. Some people, different cultures, were clearly taken aback at first, then got into it and greet me back. It's a good community thing, helps us all keep our spirits up.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Well, I hope you're right, though I've also known many active people who nevertheless had to resort to a walker in later life. There used to be an old gentleman in our village who walked out every day. I last saw him, going very slowly and using two sticks, just a few weeks before he passed away aged 105.

Tanza Erlambang said...

dog walker or walkers are the most healthiest group in term of heart .....

life looks so enjoy for you, yours and community.

Have a wonderful day

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your concluding line is absolutely right! So many health and social benefits come from your early morning walks!

Mage said...


The Padre said...

Outstanding - Couldn't Agree More - Dog Walkers Are So Cool - All Walkers Are Cool But Not As Special As Daily Dog Walkers - Such A Fun Little Post - Dig Those Ducks - Have A Stellar Weekend


William Kendall said...

Georgie is more patient than I'd expect. Lots of dogs would lunge for a squirrel.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Early morning walks along the beach (when we lived there) used to be the same. I would meet the same folk most times and we always greeted each other and often exchanged information such as any seals out in the waves, or what seabird had been seen. It always started the day off well :)

Martha said...

I love everything about this. I often walk the beach early in the morning but I go so early that there's rarely anyone else out there. It's still good for the soul. Have a nice weekend :)

Bill said...

Our River Walk is like that. Most of the time we only see a few people and I like that. An older man passed me one time, I heard him coming and thought it was a group of people, found out he was listening to an audio book. :) You'll have to keep a lookout for the albino squirrel, I never knew one existed. Happy weekend to you!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

This is a delightful post! How wonderful to have this boardwalk, where many people take their morning exercise. We have streets near us, where there is greenery and quite a few people exercise. But not a concentrated place, like you do.

Lucky you!!!!

And we really need to make ourselves get up early enough, to get in some walking, before the heat! I do hope you have prompted me!!!!!

"Beside a babbling brook" blog
'Miss BB'🐝🐝

Elephant's Child said...

What a wonderful community you have - and no doubt contribute to. Thank you so much for taking us along.
If only I lived closer I would happily join you - walking slowly to take in the sights, the people, the ambiance.

Helen said...

We drove passed the boardwalk last year, but I never imagined that it held so much beauty and company. My eyes are opened with each delightful post.

Red said...

This is a great activity for seniors, These groups offer support.

The Furry Gnome said...

Quite a community you've got there.

Joanne Noragon said...

Georgie is quite the grand, white haired old lady.

Rose said...

I like your last line, too. Feel like animals are ice breakers, too. Now that we don't have a dog, I enjoy our neighbors' dogs when I have the chance. And really enjoy the grand furbabies.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Sounds like a great way to start any day.

DJan said...

Love the boardwalk community. I would love to see all the activity in the mornings, too. Thank you for sharing this lovely place with me. :-)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

If you really want to see the albino squirrel find out where it usually has been seen and wait a while. Patience is what is required for wildlife watching. Apart from that keep on walking!

eileeninmd said...


The boardwalk does sounds great, between the wildlife sightings, exercise and a chance to be social with other walkers. I love your grand-dog Georgie. The birds are lovely and the chipmunk is a cutie. Great post. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

Susan Zarzycki said...

Marie, you put me to shame! I should be out and about in our neighborhood. In years past I have done a lot of walking but stopped after an accident involving broken bones and haven't returned to the hobbie.💖

Retired Knitter said...

Why a lovely post. And the last statement is so true.

Angela said...

Oh this is so beautiful! I love all these photos and the nature you show. Georgie is looking very curiously at that squirrel.

J said...

Lovely photos - a beautiful place to go for a walk!

Catarina said...

I don't feel that sense of community in the big city. I have been going to the same park for the last few months. Rarely do I see the same people. Maybe I am not paying attention.

photowannabe said...

What a lovely post today. I have to admit my first thought about the "Walker" was what I have always called the "Granny Walker" because my friend's Granny always walked with one..(:0)
I love the socialness of your boardwalk. How nice to meet regulars both human and animal.

Rhodesia said...

Interesting post. I never see anyone while out walking, good job I like my own company, though sometimes it would be nice to chat with others. Stay safe, Diane

Susie of Arabia said...

What a lovely walkway for you all. Georgie is so sweet looking. I can't imagine it getting too hot there later on. During these months, we get no reprieve at all from the severe heat. Ugh.

Barbara said...

Great pictures. I love to see animals on my walks. I've even started appreciating the lizards that seem to have doubled lately.