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Friday, 31 August 2018

Along the north shore

White caps. We had never seen the water so rough. When it’s stormy in Prince Edward Island, my husband and I are never by the sea. On this beautiful late August day, the wind is high and the water on the north shore is churning. 

You can hear the waves crashing into the shore rather than the gentle lap of waves along the beach which is so familiar.

We can smell the sea too, that salty, seaweed smell which is a welcome reminder of our youth in Newfoundland. That is a first for us on this island too. We let it seep into our beings as we stand on the cape along the north shore in the National Park.

The cliffs of the north shore are in sharp contrast to the depth of blue and the white caps rushing towards them. The cliffs are high too, among the highest on the island, known for its sand dunes and rolling hills. Standing along the edge of the cliffs one is impressed with the power of wind and water. 

At the lookout at MacKenzies Brook, you can see how the wave action has eroded a cave in the cliffs and the end of the cave is open now too, forming a tunnel. How long will it be before the surface above collapses?

From Orby Head, one can see the far east of the island through the haze. 

To the west, the lighthouse at Cape Tryon is visible 

and beyond it, a hint of the western tip of the island.

Below these cliffs, cormorants have their nests but all are empty today. 

They forgot to post the ‘Gone fishing’ signs.

Further along the coast, at Cape Turner, a tree defies gravity and clings to life at the top of the cliff. 

The trees along the shoreline here provide shelter from the wind. All across this area, hundreds of butterflies, mainly the Clouded sulphur species, flit across the tall weeds lining the paths.

The sounds of the sea and the movement of the butterflies are magical.

We continue our drive along the coast and have our picnic lunch at Rustico. But that’s another story.


Tabor said...

That ocean is eating away at the island and I hope it does now lose much in the battle. The cormorant nests are fascinating and I could not help but wonder how the babes leave the nest...I guess they just fly!

Joanne Noragon said...

Are we looking at signs of an early winter?

Mage said...

White horses dancing far out to sea.

William Kendall said...

The waters do look rough.

Debbie said...

the ocean there is so pretty, so peaceful!! the white caps are beautiful!! how fun to see the cormorants nests, i enjoyed your "gone fishing comment!!

gorgeous capture of the butterfly!!!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Beautiful coastal scenes. I always enjoy the geology of such places.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Beautifully described and shown here Marie. Watching the sea and appreciating its power and beauty is one of the best experiences ✨

Elephant's Child said...

I love (and miss) the sea in all of its myriad moods.
Magical post. Thank you.

Rhodesia said...

Beautiful photos and I just love that butterfly it is gorgeous. Happy weekend Fiane

Bill said...

The coastal scenes are beautiful. The roughness of the waves must sound incredible. Nice post, Marie and thanks for taking us along.

DJan said...

Just love these pictures, which cause me to feel like I'm right there with you. I can almost hear those waves crashing. Great set of pictures showing the magnificent water, sea and sky. :-)

Angela said...

It's all so gorgeous where you live!! I find your blog to be a sanctuary to my mind's sanity. Thank for sharing!

Anvilcloud said...

The sea was certainly pounding on one of the nights that we stayed at the national park near Stanhope. But it calmed down the next day, and I swam in the ocean for the first time. In point of fact, I guess it was also the last time.

Catarina said...

Oh! How I miss the ocean! The smell of the ocean is so intense in the Algarve it seems I can smell it right now!
Beautiful pictures! And a green butterfly? Have not seen those, I don't think.

Barbara said...

That first picture, oh I want to be there. If only I had a magic carpet

Marie Smith said...

On average we lose about a foot a year to erosion in most areas according to a recent report, Tabor.

Marie Smith said...

I wonder that too, Joanne.

Marie Smith said...

Indeed they were Mage.

Marie Smith said...

The sea was churning that day William.

Marie Smith said...

Thanks Debbie. It was a great day along the coast.

Marie Smith said...

I love coastal scenes John. I guess the sea is in my blood.

Marie Smith said...

The sea has such interesting moods Grace.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you EC. You should go to the sea for a visit!

Marie Smith said...

The admiral stopped for a few seconds Diane. I was lucky to “capture” it.

Marie Smith said...

The waves and the views were mesmerizing that day, Bill.

Marie Smith said...

Thanks Jan. It was an awesome day along the coast.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you Angela. It is a beautiful place to live!

Marie Smith said...

I fon’t swim in the sea here AC. I am not brave enough though I swam in the ocean around Newfoundland.

Marie Smith said...

We have been to Portugal though not to the Algarve, Catarina. The connection to the sea is strong in Portugal.

Marie Smith said...

Wish you did Barbara. You would love it.

Jenn said...

That photo of the cave and tunnel is very cool! All such great photos, I can see how a place like this would make one just stand there and soak all the sights and sounds in.

Danielle L Zecher said...

Great pictures! I think the water is so pretty when it's rough like that.

Marie Smith said...

It was an amazing day just looking out and other people did the same, Jenn.

Marie Smith said...

The blue and white caps are beautiful, Danielle.