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Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Along the boardwalk

It amazes me every year how the vegetation along the boardwalk goes from winter browns and greys to lush green in a matter of a few weeks. Along the boardwalk now, the July wildflowers fill every centimetre of space on both sides of the trail.

St. John’s Wort,



to name just a few, are at their peak now, soon to make room for the August wild ones.

Where wildflowers are not present, tall grasses, some two meters high, dwarf the average walker with their impressive size.

Along the stream, is just a few weeks, the bulrushes have grown rapidly, filling the banks of the stream and the salt water marsh.

Molting ducks hide among the growth as the blackbirds continue to fend off the ravens from their young.

Nature, which was asleep for so long, has a few months to grow for this year and is taking full advantage of the heat, every raindrop and ray of sunlight. We who are her witnesses are in awe of her.  


Linda d said...

So very beautiful.

photowannabe said...

I love your changing seasons and all the lush growth.
So lovely.
What a perfect place to walk and enjoy nature.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wildflowers have such compelling names!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

It never ceases to fill us with wonder. I remember one year I went up to the north of Scotland for two weeks in Spring and when I returned down south everything had been transformed in just those 14 days.

Elephant's Child said...

How absolutely gorgeous. We see a similar transformation - not with the seasons, but when we get our rare and much needed rain.
It fills me with awe and delight every time.

Anvilcloud said...

So much to do in such short a time.

eileeninmd said...


Looks like a lovely spot for a walk and viewing the wildflowers. Lovely images. Have a great day!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh such gorgeous beauty in those few short weeks of summer.

Laurel Wood said...

Marvelous to see the wildflowers.

Joanne Noragon said...

I love watching the wildflowers come back, here on our edge of woods and civilization. We don't seem to have so many as you do.

Celia said...

Plant carpe diem, they use the time they have so beautifully.

Natalia said...

Absolutely beautiful. love places like this one!:)

DJan said...

I love the wildflowers, and you certainly have them in abundance. Since I'm not hiking today, I'll probably fill my Thursday post with wildflowers from around here. :-)

baili said...

so true about the greenery my friend ,winters of your part of land are long and tough so this small period of time is break when nature can show her delightful colors to you all

wow you know the name of almost every flower :)

Bill said...

It all looks lovely especially the wildflowers.

Ernie said...

So very beautiful! I keep thinking one of these days I will take my walk at the beautiful arboretum that we are members of. So much more convenient to walk the neighborhoods. Always need to get home for something. Glad you are able to enjoy!

Debbie said... is amazing!! we have a lot of wild roses along our boardwalks!!

Forest Mother said...

I just found your blog and I am excited to follow along!

Jenn said...

I don't know if it's just me but there seems to be more wildflowers than usual around my area...not complaining!!

Barbara said...

It is amazing to see the plants that come back each year after an artic winter. Nature is truly amazing.

Catarina said...

Nature is doing well... Love the green landscape!

John's Island said...

Hi Marie, This boardwalk is great. I enjoyed seeing the wildflowers. I hope you will walk here again in the fall (if not sooner) and share more of your photos. John

Rose said...

I did not know what St. John's wort looked like, or if I ever did I have totally forgotten. It sure is pretty. This looks like a wonderful place to walk.